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Lesson 51 Show and Tell! Leaning aims(学习目标): 1.掌握的单词和短语: common, spin, performance, parking a lot, put… on its side, go through, up and down, be full of , It’s one;s turn to do sth. 2.Enable Ss to describe how to tell their hobbies Key points and difficult points(重、难点) A.be full of 和be filled with B.It’s one’s turn to do sth. C.across, through,的区别, D.take out of Read and answer 1. What does the sign say on the box? The sign says “fragile this side up!” 2. How many hobbies does Danny have? What are they? Danny has two hobbies, They are learning his family and gardening . Language notes He has four books full of stamps! 他有四本装满邮票的集邮册。 full of 充满,装满。 full of stamps 在这里是后置定语,用来修饰books。 e.g. 车里挤满了人。 The bus is full of people. 我有满满一篮子花。 I have a basketball full of flowers. be full of=filled with 瓶子里装满了牛奶。 The bottle is full of milk. = The bottle is filled with milk. cross v. 横穿 Practice 英汉互译 spin sth.up and down_____________________ 穿过门_____________________________ The parking lot___________________________ Put… on its side______________________ 完成句子,每空一词 阳光穿过了云层。 The sun shine__________ the clouds. 另外的两个男孩也是我的表哥。 __________ __________ boys are also my cousins. 许多人喜欢在夏季游泳。 Many people ____________ _________ in summer. 我的爱好是集邮。你有什么爱好? My hobby _______ _________ stamps. What about you? 我总是以为跳舞是一种有趣的爱好。你认为呢? I’ve always thought dancing would be __________ _________ ________. What do you think of it? Homework * Warming up 1) 我自己洗我的衣服。 2) 你怎么处置了我的自行车? 3) 我们必须尽力学好英语。 4) 你什么时候加入了火箭俱乐部? 5) 不是你对,就是我对。 What did you ________my bike? I wash my clothes _______. We must ___________English well. _______you ____ I am right. When did you _____the rocket club? myself do with try to learn join Either or teenager n. 青少年 sign n. 记号;招牌 fragile adj. 易碎的 Listen and answer . Listen to the tape with the following questions: 1. Where is Danny’s hobby ? It’s in a big


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