冀教版英语八年级下册lesson 11amazing plants.ppt

冀教版英语八年级下册lesson 11amazing plants.ppt

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冀教版英语八年级下册lesson 11amazing plants

How many plants can you name? Have you ever heard about any special plants? Plant Place Feature South America, China and Other countries. When something touches its leaves, they close up tightly. After a few minutes, they open up again. A flying flower? Look at this plant. Its flowers look like egrets. What are egrets? They are a kind of bird. Because this plants flowers look like flying egrets, people call it the egret flower. It grows in eastern Asia. Isnt it beautiful? Egret flower 白鹭花 Can plants be shy? We all know that people can be shy. But how can a plant be shy? When something touches this plants leaves, they close up tightly. After a few minutes, the leaves open up again. This plant is fun for small children to play with. Mimosa flower 含羞花 When it comes to laughing, this tree is really funny. This is because the fruit of this tree has a hole in it. If the wind blows,this amazing tree “laughs”. What makes a tree laugh? When people first hear it laughing, they are usually surprised and begin to laugh along with the tree. It grows in the middle of Africa. Laughing tree哈哈树 Look at this plant. It grows in the southwest of Africa. Like most plants, it has roots. But it Can a fossil be alive? has only two leaves and a stem. Its two leaves continue to grow for its whole life. Does it look old? This plant can live as long as 1500years, so people call it a living fossil. Welwitschia mirabilis百岁兰 百岁兰,分布于安哥拉及非洲热带东南部,生于气候炎热和极为干旱的多石沙漠、枯竭的河床或沿海岸的沙漠上,以能适应极端气候和纺纱故土的特点而闻名。 2.Look at see watch read look at 看着,look 为不及物动词,与at 连用。 eg. look at the blackboard see 看见,强调看见的结果 eg. I can’t see anything. watch 观看,观赏 eg. watch the moon watch the match read 读,看书、报、杂志等 eg. read books read newspaper 1.name: n. 名字,姓名 What’s your name? v. 命名 I can name many kinds of flowers. back 4.close up “合起来,收起来” “暂停营业” The shop closes up on weekends. “堵塞,阻塞” The road is closed up with heavy snow. open up “张开,打开”“开业”“开放” 3. call it the egret flower call+sb./sth.+宾补 “称呼


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