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褒义形容词篇 重要的(important) vital[va?t(?)l] 【例句】She had found out some information of vital importance. 【翻译】她已经发现了一些至关重要的信。 crucial[kru??(?)l] 【例句】It is crucial that the problem is tackled immediately. 【翻译】立即着手解决这个问题是至关重要的。 prominent[pr?m?n?nt] 【例句】This considerable increase in investment played a prominent role in fueling economic growth. 【翻译】投资的较大幅度增加,对拉动经济增长发挥了明显作用。 cardinal[kɑ?d(?)n(?)l] 【例句】Respect for life is a cardinal principle of English law. 【翻译】尊重生命是英国法律最重要的原则。 优秀的(good) excellent[eks(?)l(?)nt] 【例句】She has always had a high reputation for her excellent short stories. 【翻译】她一直因其优秀的短篇小说享有很高的声望。 outstanding[a?tst?nd??] 【例句】The girl who won the scholarship was quite outstanding. 【翻译】得奖学金的女孩是相当优秀的。 extraordinary[?k?str??dnri] 【例句】Her strength of will was extraordinary. 【翻译】她的意志力是非凡的。 remarkable[r?mɑ?k?b(?)l] 【例句】The economic diplomacy of China is characterized by distinctive features and remarkable achievements. 【翻译】中国的经济外交具有鲜明的特点和卓越的成就。 有趣的(interesting) amusing[?mju?z??] 【例句】Do not hesitate to laugh at anything you find amusing. 【翻译】只要觉得好笑就尽管笑。 entertaining[ent?te?n??] 【例句】This is an entertaining yet thought-provoking film. 【翻译】这部电影令人捧腹,却又发人深省。 engaging[?nge?d???] 【例句】His engaging personality made him popular with his peers. 【翻译】他迷人的个性使他深受同龄人的喜爱。 有活力的(energetic) dynamic[da?n?m?k] 【例句】South Asia continues to be the most dynamic economic region in the world. 【翻译】南亚仍然是世界上最具活力的经济区。 vigorous[v?g(?)r?s] 【例句】We urge vigorous action to be taken immediately. 【翻译】我们强烈要求立即采取有力措施。 animated[?n?me?t?d] 【例句】His observations gave rise to an animated and lively discussion. 【翻译】他的言论引起了一场气氛热烈而活跃的讨论。 充足的(abundant) ample[?mp(?)l] 【例句】Agriculture has developed rapidly,thus providing light industry with ample raw materials. 【翻译】农业迅速发展,从而为轻工业提供了充足的原料。 plentiful[plent?f?l] 【例句】Hot climate and plentiful rainfall favor the growth of plants. 【翻译】炎热的气候和充足的雨水有助于植物生长。 generous[d?en(?)r?s] 【例句】No one is expecting a very generous pay increase this year. 【翻译】没有人指望今年会有大幅度的工资增长。 勇敢的(brave) courageous[


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