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Otto cycle and Diesel cycle;What phenomenon can you see? Try to explain the reason. ;A heat engine that converts chemical energy in fuels into mechanical power, in which the heat source is the combustible mixture that also serves as the working fluid.;;Development;The classification of piston-type ICE;Four stroke Spark Ignition Engine Stroke 1: Fuel-air mixture introduced into cylinder through intake valve Stroke 2: Fuel-air mixture compressed Stroke 3: Combustion (roughly constant volume) occurs and product gases expand doing work Stroke 4: Product gases pushed out of the cylinder through the exhaust valve;Modern Two-Stroke Spark Ignition Engine Stroke 1: Fuel-air mixture is introduced into the cylinder and is then compressed, combustion initiated at the end of the stroke. Stroke 2: Combustion products expand doing work and then exhausted. ;A---Intake valve/Rocker arm/Spring B---Valve cover(气门室套) C---Intake port??进气口) D---Head(气缸盖) E---Coolant(冷却液) F---Engine block(机体) G---Oil pan(油底壳) H---Oil sump(油池) I---Camshaft(凸轮轴) J---Exhaust valve/Rocker arm/Spring K---Spark plug(火花塞或喷油器) L---Exhaust port(排气口) M---Piston(活塞) N---Connecting rod(连杆) O---Rod bearing(连杆轴承) P---Crankshaft(曲轴);Actual cycle;Ideal cycle hypothesis;Sabathe cycle (Dual cycle );Otto Diesel ;Mean effective pressure, MEP;Otto cycle Diesel cycle;?;Otto cycle thermal efficiency;?;Answer: Increase in compression ratio results in: ? an increase in T for average heat addition and ? a decrease in T for average heat rejection;Comparison;;新普锐斯的发动机热效率超过40%,丰田怎么做到的?;1.提高废气再循环率(EGR)(Exhaust Gas Recirculation);2.改变活塞表面形状;韩培洲. 大幅提高热效率的新结构节油内燃机. 国外内燃机, 2016, 48(5): 60-2.;Compression;Summary;Thank you !


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