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冷静活着,看淡人生七大冷酷现实 1. No One Is Going to Fix You 没人会来拯救你 If you are waiting for a knight in shining armor to gallop into your life and heal your broken heart, you will be waiting forever. The only person who can help you is yourself. Be happy for the other people in your life, but do not become dependent on them for happiness unlike you like to be on a never-ending emotional roller-coaster that is far beyond the realm of your control. 如果你还在期盼白马王子帅气闯入你的生活、呵护你受伤的心灵,那你只能永远等待下去了。能够救你的人只有你自己。你可以为生活中有人陪伴而开心,但不要因此把幸福完全托付给他们;否则,你的情绪会像不停歇的过山车,永远无法自我控制。 Are you alone? No, far from it. But no one is going to fix you, so it is in your best interest to take personal responsibility for your own life. When you do that, you’ll discover you are more powerful than you ever thought possible. 还是一个人?哈,更残酷的是,不会有谁来拯救你。所以,你最好还是为自己负起责任吧。只有这样,你才会发现自己变得愈加坚强。 2. Life Will Never Be Perfect 生活并不完美 If you are waiting for the “right” time to do something — pursue self-employment, begin a fitness plan, dive into the dating pool, or move to a new town — you’re going to be waiting forever. There is no such thing as a “right” time to do anything. This reaction is based on your fear-of-change, plain and simple. 如果你还在等待“最佳时机”去做某事——诸如创业、健身、恋爱或搬去新城市,那你也只能这么等待下去了。世上根本就没有所谓的“最佳时机”,你之所以这么想,完全是因为自己害怕改变,只想简单舒服混日子罢了。 If you keep waiting for that mysterious “perfect time to act” (please tell me, when have you ever experienced such a thing?), this means you will never actually have to take action and confront your fear. Do the scary thing. You will be so glad you did. 如果你一直在等待传说中的“最佳行动时机”(请问,你可曾真正亲身经历过呢?),那你永远都不会直面内心恐惧并拿出行动来。现在就去做“可怕的”事情吧!相信你做了以后绝不会后悔。 3. You Might Fail (a Lot) 你可能会失败(很多次) If you attempt to achieve an ambitious new goal, then it is possible that you will fall on your face while pursuing said goal. Welcome to reality. It’s time to change your thinking about failure. 如果你雄心万丈想征服新目标,那你极可能在努力的过程中摔得鼻青脸肿。回到现实,改变自己对失败的看法吧。 It is not a big, bad thing that you should be frightened of. Failure is a learning op


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