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创新大学英语 综合教程 复习资料

各位自己看看好好复习 阅读理解译文(自主学习用书7篇) P19 Friends of Friends (BADBC) P21 Organizing Yourself(AACBC) P56 Valentine’s Day (BBACA) P92 American Style Friendship (ACCDB) P94 When Friendship Hurts(ABACB) P132 Cell Phone Users Tie up Traffic(CABDC) P170 The First Four Minutes(ABCBD) Friends of Friends 朋友的朋友 Back in 1967, social psychologist Stanley Milgram had an idea.时间追溯到1967年,社会心理学家斯坦利﹒米尔格伦有了这样一个想法。Everybody knows at least a few other people, 每个人至少都认识几个人。he reasoned, and those people know another people. 于是,他推论道,其他人也认识另外一些人。Therefore, just going through the people you know, you should be able to contact any person on earth.因此,通过你所认识的人,你就能够联系上地球上的任何人。 Milgram conducted experiments by sending letters to random acquaintances, asking them to pass the letter on through their friends to an unknown person. 斯坦利﹒米尔格伦做过一个实验,通过写信随机给他所认识的人,要求他们通过他们自己的朋友而把信件传递出去给陌生人。His experiments, confirmed later with e-mail tests, showed that were all connected by no more than six degrees of separation.他的这个实验后来经电子邮件检测并被证实:仅仅通过“六度分离理论”所有的人都是相联系的。That is, you can reach any person in the world through a chain of six people. 也就是说,经过六层人际关系纽带你可以联系任何人。 It might be comforting to know that your friends friends friends friends friend knows Bill Gates or Jennifer Lopez通过你朋友的朋友的朋友的朋友, 你可以认识比尔﹒盖茨或詹尼佛﹒洛佩慈这样的名人。but its not really that useful. 但事实上并不那样有用。Tracing the chain is time-consuming and inconvenient.梳理这条纽带既费时,又麻烦。 But thats changing now, thanks to the development of online databases.但是由于有了网上在线数据库,现在情况变了。 While many people use their PCs to keep track of their contacts and address books, new services like Friendster and Spoke combine these address books together. 许多人用自己的家用电脑保存了自己的联系人和通信录象交友对话与通讯录相结合的新的服务。This way youre not only in touch with your own-friends, but with their friends and their friends friends.这样你不但能够和你的朋友联系,你还可以与朋友的朋友的朋友联系。 Looking for someone who works in marketing at Sony Music in Tokyo?你想找东京索尼 音乐部门搞销售的某个人吗?Going to Paris for the weekend and looking for someone to have dinner with? 到巴黎度周末并找某个


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