初一下册Module2 Unit2.ppt

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初一下册Module2 Unit2

2. We also buy clothes and everyone has a haircut. everyone为不定代词, 意为“每个人; 每一个”。本句中everyone后动词用的是has。它的易错点是: 当everyone 作主语时, 谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式。 不仅everyone如此, 由every构成的词(如everything, everybody) 或短语(如every boy, every student)作主语时,都符合这一规则。 例如: Everything is fine. 一切都好。 Every boy in my class likes playing basketball. 我们班的每个男孩都喜欢打篮球。 【运用】请从括号中选出恰当的 单词, 填在横线上。 1. Every student in our class ____(likes; like) English lesson. 2. Everyone _____ (want; wants) to go to the concert. 4. bring, take 请先看看下面的例句A和例句B,思考一下bring和take的区别。 A. Mum, please bring me something to eat. 妈妈, 请给我拿点吃的。 B. My sister takes my ice cream away. 我妹妹把我的冰淇淋拿走了。 bring和take二者都可表示“拿;带”,而且都是具有方向性的动词。bring表示把“某物(或某人)从别处带到说话处”,动作由远及近。而take表示“把某物(或某人)从说话处带到别处”,动作由近及远。两者方向相反。 请将下列句子翻译成英语,仔细揣测应该用take还是bring。 1. 下次我能带我姐姐来这里吗? 2. 我想把这台电脑拿回家。 请选择恰当的单词填空, 完成下面短文。 dumplings, decorate, festival, luck, lanterns, cleaning Spring Festival is an important (1) ______ . It usually comes in January or in February. On New Year’s Eve, Chinese (2) ________ the doors and windows with paper cuts. They also hang red (3) _______. Most people make (4) _________. They are busy (5) _______ and cooking. They hope New Year can bring happiness and good (6) ____. Sentence translations 1. What traditions do you have at the Spring Festival? 2. We usually decorate the doors and windows with paper cuts. 你们过春节有什么传统习俗? 我们经常用剪纸装饰窗子和门。 3. We also buy clothes and everyone has a haircut. 4. The family has dinner and we eat jiaozi. -- a kind of dumpling, or a sweet rice pudding. 我们都买新衣服并且要理发。 一家人吃晚餐,我们吃饺子。 -- 一种饭团,或是汤圆。 5. We watch TV and at midnight there are usually fireworks. 6. We don’t clean the house for a few days. 7. And we have lots of food for good luck. 我们看电视并且通常在午夜放烟花。 几天我们不打扫房间。 并且我们有很多象征好运的食物。 8. The New Year Festival finishes at the Lantern Festival after two weeks. 9. They are round and so they bring us luck all the year round. 春节在两个星期后以元宵节


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