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* Revise Unit9 When was it invented? 1.Edison was a great______________(发明家), he i__________ many i____________. 2.The food was cold, you could h________ it before you eat. 3.Don’t put too much salt, it’s too s________. 4.I don’t like lemons, because they are too s________. 5.It’s an ___________(古老的) legend. 6.The meeting was over, but he still r__________ there. 7.He __________(throw) a big stone to me just now. 8.So far, he _______________(creat) some beautiful music. 9.Listen! There is someone k__________ at the door. 10.A strange man is walking t__________ us. 11.In the last 5 years, China ______________(develop) quickly. inventor nvented nventions eat alty our ancient emained threw has created nocking owards has developed 12.One hundred years is a c____________. 13.You should take an a________ part in the activities. 14.The cake was d__________ into five pieces. 15.The leaves p_______ a pleasant smell. 16. The orange t______ sour, so I don’t like its’ t________. entury ctive ivided roduced astes aste take part in:参加 take an active part in:积极参加 divide---into--- 把---分成--- be divided into--- 被分成 17.China is a d____________ country, but America is a d_________ country. 18.He told me that the sun __________(升起) in the east. 19.It______________________(是用来制作) cakes. 20.I took his keys_______________(错误的). 21.茶是被意外的发明的。 _______________________________. 22.He_____________(落入) the river on his way to school. 23.The car____________(撞上了) a tree just now. 24.电话是什么时候被发明的? ___________________________________? 25.他们是被谁发明的?_______________________________? eveloping eveloped rises is/was used for making by mistake Tea was invented by accident fell into knocked into When was the telephone invented Who were they invented by 26.电灯给了人们更多工作和玩的时间。 The light bulb_______people more time ________ and_____. 27.他在上面撒了很多盐。 He_________ lots of salt_____ them. 28.水里的叶子散发出了令人愉快的香气。 The__________ in the water__________________________. 29. It was invented________


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