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* hair???n.?头发? gold?[ɡ?uld]?n.?金色;?黄金;?金牌? forest?[‘f?rist]?n.?森林? once?[w?ns]?adv.?一次;?一回? upon?[?‘p?n,??p?n]?prep.?在……上;?到……上??? once?upon?a?time从前? decide?[di‘said]??v.?决定? go?for?a?walk散步? basket?[‘bɑ:skit]?n.?篮子? notice?[‘n??tis]?v.?注意到? all?alone独自一人的? dark?[dɑ:k]?adj.?黑暗的? pick?[pik]?v.?采;?摘? pick?up拿起;?举起? soon[su:n]?adv.?立刻;?不久? lost?[l?st]?adj.?迷路的? around?[?‘ra?nd]?prep.?环绕着? little?[‘litl]?adj.?小的? towards?[t?‘w?:dz]?prep.?往;?向;?朝……方向? knock[n?k]?v.?敲?door?[d?:(r)]?n.?门? answer[‘ɑ:ns?(r)]?v.?应门;?回答? push[p??]?v.?推? enter?[‘ent?(r)]?v.?进入? bowl[b??l]?n.?碗? hungry?[‘h??gri]?adj.?感到饿的;?饥饿的? right?[rait]?adj.?合适的;?恰当的? finish?[fini?]?v.?吃完;?喝完;?用尽 once upon a time 从前 in the forest 在森林里 look into 向…里面看去 knock on the door 敲门 a girl with hair of gold 一个留着金色头发的女孩 push the door 推开门 go for a walk 去散步 pick up 捡起,拾起 pick some flowers 摘一些花 look around 环视,四下张望 decide to do sth 决定做某事 notice a little house 注意到一个小房子 wait a moment 等一会儿 Look,Who was she? She was the girl namedGoldilocks.In the story, she did sth.Now ,let’s see what she did. Discuss and guess what the girl did in every picture? She counted three bowls of nice food. She entered the house. She hurried towards the house. She knocked on the door. She picked some flowers. She pushed the door. She noticed a house. She was lost. she looked around her. Listen and number the pictures in the correct order. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Read and answer the questions. What did she pick in the forest? Where in the house did she look into? Where was the food? Why did she pick up the bowls? Which bowls did she like? She picked flowers. She looked into a small room. It was in the bowl /on the table. Because she was very hungry. She liked the little bowls. T=Tony; D=Daming T: All alone in the dark, dark forest. Goldilocks_______ some flowers. D: Oh, did she often ___ for a walk in the forest alone? T: No, she didn’t. And soon she was ____. Goldilocks ______ ______ her. “Where am


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