初二上U6 Reading.ppt

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初二上U6 Reading

Do you know these stories? Warming up Who are they? Have you seen the film? 公元前1193年,特洛伊国王普里阿摩斯和他俊美的二儿子王子帕里斯在希腊斯巴达王麦尼劳斯的宫中受到了盛情的款待。但是,帕里斯却和麦尼劳斯美貌的妻子海伦一见钟情并将她带出宫去,恼怒的麦尼劳斯和他的兄弟迈西尼国王阿伽门农兴兵讨伐特洛伊。希腊联军的统帅阿喀 琉斯和普里阿摩斯最 小的儿子,特洛伊年 轻的国王赫克托耳逐 渐在战争中成为 双方各自的英雄。 由于特洛伊城池牢固易 守难攻,希腊军队和特洛 伊勇士们对峙长达10年之 久,最后英雄奥德修斯献上妙计,让希腊士兵全部登上战船,制造撤兵的假相,并故意在城前留下一具巨大的木马。 特洛伊人高兴地把木马当作战利品抬进城去。当晚,正当特洛伊人沉湎于美酒和歌舞的时候,藏在木马腹内的20名希腊士兵杀出,打开城门,里应外合,特洛伊立刻被攻陷,杀掠和大火将整个城市毁灭。老国王和大多数男人被杀死,妇女和儿童被出卖为奴,海伦又被带回希腊,持续10年之久的战争终于结束。 Culture corner The Art of War is an ancient book about the strategy of war. Sun Tzu wrote this book during the late Spring and Autumn period in Chinese history. The Art of War is full of clever sayings. For example, “Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat.” The Art of War Important Phrases act out make jokes about except for (be) full of give up sail away look over go to sleep on the side of climb out of one by one be afraid of play a trick on sb 将……表演出来 拿……开玩笑;以……为笑柄 除……之外 (有)大量的;(有)许多的 放弃 开船走了 察看;检查 入睡 在……旁边 从……爬出来 一个接一个地 害怕;担心 捉弄某人 1. Jack often laughs at me when I wear glasses. Jack often ______________ me when I wear glasses. 2. Someone has filled the bottle with water. The bottle ______________ water now. 3. The students got on the bus one after another. The students got on the bus ___________. 4. You should check your work after you finish it. You should ___________ your work after you finish it. 5. The baby has fallen asleep. The baby _____________. 同义句转换。 makes jokes about / plays a trick on is full of one by one look over has gone to sleep Stonehenge ( ) Here are photos of three famous places


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