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Welcome to the English class! ;Preparation Class ;Learning aims;1. Briefly introduce yourself and tell us your goal for the English learning in this summer vacation. 2. What is most important part in English learning? 3. What is most difficult part in English learning for you?; ;Where there is a will, there is a way. God help those who help themselves. Stay hungry, stay foolish. ———Steve Jobs ;什么是句子?;现代汉语里一般的句子成分有六种,即主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语和补语。英语的基本成分有七种:主语(subject)、谓语(predicate)、表语(predicative)、宾语(object)、定语(attribute)、状语(adverbial) 和补语(complement)。 英语句子的基本结构可以归纳成五种基本句型及其扩大、组合、省略或倒装。掌握这五种基本句型,是掌握各种英语句子结构的基础。;主语:主语是在句子中说明全句中心主题的部分.一般由名词,代词,不定式,动名词或从句充当.它的位置一般在句首.;谓语: ; 表语:;宾语;宾语补足语;状语;定语;句子的五种基本结构;句子的五种基本结构;句子的五种基本结构;句子的五种基本结构;句子的五种基本结构;句子的五种基本结构;4. 主语+谓语(vt.)+间接宾语+直接宾语 Uncle Li bought me a birthday present. Please pass me the salt. ;Exercise: 1. She ordered herself a new dress. 2. She cooked her husband a delicious meal. 3. He brought you a dictionary. 4. I showed him my pictures. 5. I gave my car a wash. 6. I told him that the bus was late. 7. He showed me how to run the machine.;5. 主语+谓语(vt.)+宾语+宾语补足语 We call him Tom. We should keep the windows open. ;Exercise: 1. They appointed him manager. 2. They painted the door green. 3. This set them thinking. 4. They found the house deserted. 5. We saw him out. 6. He asked me to come back soon. 7. I saw them getting on the bus. ; ;三大从句 定语从句 名词性从句 状语从句 ;定语;何为定语从句?;Main clause the attributive clause;attributive clause定语从句: 修饰主句中名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。 antecedent 先行词: 被定语从句所修饰的名词或代词叫做先行词。 relative pronoun relative adverb: 引导定语从句的代词或副词叫做关系代/副词。; David is a kind person. He always helps others. ; I like the gift. He got the gift for me.;;1. The girl is my classmate. She spoke to me just now. The girl who spoke to me just now is my classmate. 2. The woman is our boss. You saw her just now. The woman who you saw just now is our boss. 3. The car was destroyed in the ea


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