剑二上第5课How about coming with us.ppt

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剑二上第5课How about coming with us

How about coming with us? 和我们一起来吧怎么样? ---Sweet New words address 地址 mountain 山脉 kangaroo 袋鼠 waterfall 瀑布 forest 森林 village 村庄 cinema 电影院 opposite 在、、、对面 复习单词: afternoon holiday fun way enjoy supermarket street beach mango lake island river farm film 看图片抢单词 (当你看到图片时,请快速说出单词) Dialogue 1 Where’s the cinema? Opposite the market. Where’s the hospital? By the river. Where’s the cafe? In the park. Where’s the bank? In Green Street. Where is your address? Which place would you like to go? Dialogue 2 Which place would you like to go? I’d like to go to Kangaroo Island. How about going to Taishan Mountain? Sorry, I’d like to see kangaroos. How about going to Hongkong? Yes, I’d like to. 谁能翻译的出来呢,谁就是学霸! 轻松一刻Have fun! 疯狂练习 How about + doing +其它? Yes/No,I’d like to….. Go! 1,have a cup of tea 2,play computer games 3,go swimming 4,go to the zoo 5,go by bus 6,read some books 7,sing a song 8,eat some cake 9,go to see a film 10,play guitar 了解了解 根据交通行驶惯例,靠右行驶方向盘在左,反之在右,世界大部分国家都是方向盘在左,包括中国,方向盘在右的国家只有英国、日本、印度、印度尼西亚、巴基斯坦、斯里兰卡、澳大利亚、新西兰、泰国、爱尔兰、马耳他、新几内亚、斐济、汤加、瑙鲁、牙买加、圭亚那、马来西亚、新加坡、南非等,还有香港这个前英国殖民地。 一、?用括号中单词的适当形式填空。 ?1.?How?about?__________(come)?with?us??Yes,?I’d?love?to. ?2.?Where?are?you?____________(go)??I’m?going?to?the?shop.? ?3.?Peter?enjoys?_______________(dance).? 4.?Would?you?like?to?________________(eat)?some?apples??? 5.?My?mother?likes?________________(go)?shopping.? 6.My?brother?__________________(go)to?Shang?next?week.? ?7.Mary?is?going____________________(visit)her?grandma.? 8.Tom?often?___________________(go)to?school?on?foot. ??二、变一般疑问句,肯定否定回答,否定句,划线提问。1.?She?is?going?to?fly?a?kite?with?her?friend?tomorrow.? 2.?I’ll?go?and?join?them. 3.They?are?going?to?climb?the?Great?Wall.? 三、补全句子(30) ?1.?He?_______________________________.?(打算乘公交去)? 2.?What__________________________tomorrow?(你打算明天干什么)? 3.?My?mother?is?going?to____________________.(明天去购物)? * I live at 8 apple street. Today is a holiday.We are on our way.We’ll go to differen


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