剑桥商务英语教程unit11 Working history.ppt

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剑桥商务英语教程unit11 Working history

AIMS Express attitudes and feelings Describe career and experience Past time Past simple regular and irregular verbs A. Reading and Presentation New words Dublin n. 都柏林(爱尔兰共和国的首都) Pharmaceutical ?[,fɑrm?‘sut?kl] adj. 制药(学)的n. 药物 Senior Clerk 高级文员 Answers 1988-92: Junior Clerk/ ABC Pharmaceuticals 1994-97: Assistant Manager of Export Department Took computing and language courses Speaks French, English, Spanish B. Language focus and pronunciation Rules: After a voiced sound浊音 : /d/ 发音时声带震动、不送气的叫浊辅音 /b/,/d/,/g/,/v/,/e/,/z/,/m/,/n/ … After a unvoiced sound清音: /t/ 发音时声带不震动、送气的叫清辅音 /p/,/t/,/k/,/f/,/θ/,/s/... After a /t/ or /d/: /id/ . Answers Lived 1 passed 2 needed 3 worked 2 Planned 1 stopped 2 moved 1 asked 2 Attended 3 studied 1 represented 3 Trained 1 helped 2 wanted 3 visited3 Interviewer: Can you tell me something about yourself, Yuki? Yuki: Well, I left school in 1991 when I was eighteen. And then I was to university. I studied Economics. I : And that was in Tokyo? Y: Yes, that’s right. I was at Tokyo University for four years. I finished my courses in 1995. I : And what did you do after that? Y: I got a job with Matsumoto Bank松本银行. I joined the Investment department as a Trainee实习生 Investment Adviser投资顾问. I : How long did you stay there? Y: For two years. And then I went to Canada. The company sent me to Toronto in 1997 to work in the office there and to learn English. I spent a year there. I also took a course in French while I was in Toronto. I : So you speak French? Y: Oui! I : What did you do after that? Y: I came back to Japan in June 1998 and I went back to my old department as Assistant Investment Adviser. I : Right. Can you tell me something about your present job? Y: Yes, well, I am responsible for… Answers 1. f 2. c 3. d 4. b 5. a 6. e B. Writing and speaking Candidate 候选人,应试者 Chiang Mai 清迈(泰国城市) Junior Programmer 初级程序设计员 Suggested Answer What did you study at university? What was your position at Long Electronic


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