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Canada ▼ General Information Country Name: Canada National Flag: Maple Leaf National Emblem: Coat of arms of Canada National Day: July 1st National Anthem: O Canada National Tree: Maple Capital: Ottawa Largest city: Toronto Official languages: English and French 《啊,加拿大》 ▼ The National Flag Maple Leaf 拿大国旗国旗为长方形,长宽之比为2:1。旗面自左至右由红白两色组成,两边的红色代表大西洋和太平洋。中央绘有一片11个角的红色枫树叶。枫树是加拿大的国树,也是加拿大民族的象征。 National Emblem Coat of arms of Canada ▼ 加拿大的国徽为盾徽。1921年制定,图案中间为盾形,盾面下部为一枝三片枫叶;上部的四组图案分别为:三头金色 ?的狮子,一头直立的红狮,一把竖琴和三朵百合花,分别象征加拿大在历史上与英格兰、苏格兰、爱尔兰和法国之间的联系。盾徽之上有一头狮子举着一片红枫叶,既是加拿大民族的象征,也表示对第一次世界大战期间加拿大的牺牲者的悼念。狮子之上为一顶金色的王冠,象征女王是加拿大的国家元首。盾形左侧的狮子举着一面联合王国的国旗,右侧的独角兽举着一面原法国的百合花旗。底端的绶带上用拉丁文写着“从海到海”,表示加拿大的地理位置——西濒太平洋,东临大西洋。 Map of Canada ▼ Geography Canada spans an immense territory between the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Atlantic Ocean to the east and the Arctic Ocean to the north ,with the United States to the south and northwest(Alaska) ▼ Average winter and summer high temperatures across Canada vary according to the location. Winters can be harsh in many regions of the country, particularly in the interior and Prairie provinces, which experience a continental climate. Climate ▼ Mountains They are an old and erode range of mountains, approximately 380 million years in age. Notable mountains in the Appalachians include: Mount Logan Mount Jacques Cartier Mount Carleton The Appalachians Mountains ▼ Mount Logan (洛根峰) —It is the highest peak in Canada.(5,959m) Mount Jacques Cartier (雅克卡迪尔山) —it is locates in Quebec.(1,268m) Mount Carleton(卡尔顿山) —It is located in New Brunswick. (817m) Rocky Mountains ▼ Rivers The St. Lawrence River The Mackenzie River (圣劳伦斯河) (马更些河) It is Canada’s most important river, providing a seaway for ships from the Great Lakes to Atlantic Ocean. It is the Longest Canadian river, which flows 4,214 kilometers through the Northwest Territories. ▼ Lakes The largest lake situated entirely in Canada is Great Bear Lake(31,328km2 )in the North


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