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改造和再利用:龙门吊塔The concept for the reuse of existing cranes 改造和再利用:机器与拆除的建材再利用方案 The concept for the reuse of machinery and architectural materials from wreckages 再生设计: The recycle of the rusted 再生设计与野草之美 Ecological recovery And The beauty of weeds 再生设计:红盒子(红色记忆)A new design:The red box, a story and memory box of the many movements in the past 50 years. 俞孔坚 Yu Kongjian 北京大学景观设计学研究院 (The Graduate School of Landscape Architecture, Peking University) 北京土人景观规划设计研究所 Turen Design Institute 北京土人——中山岐江公园 产业用地的再利用与生态恢复 -----中山歧江公园案例 The Recycling and Ecological Recovering of Industrial land ---------The Case of Zhongshan Shipyard Park ? ASLA Design Award Winner 俞孔坚 Yu Kongjian 北京大学景观设计学研究院 (The Graduate School of Landscape Architecture, Peking University) 北京土人景观规划设计研究所 Turen Design Institute The Turen Concept: Nature, man and spirit as one Earth (Tu), the perceived center of the universe, and the base of all living creatures, symbolizes both life and spirit. It receives and accumulates energy from heaven, nourishing all that grows and moves. Our forefathers visualized the horizons of the land with the vertical Sacred Trees, the axis for the Sun to rise and fall and the ladders for the spirits to travel up and down. This is why our legendary exiled king Chong-er worshipped a handful of earth from the natives as a sign of the prosperity of society. ? Man (Ren), claiming superiority and being most favored was still not satisfied. He cut the Sacred Trees, tasted the forbidden fruit and destroyed Eden. We, Turen, have come to deliver the important message from the land to waken our fellow dwellers, to convince them to adept to nature and to let nature cure their suffering, and enrich their deprived minds. ? Turen (Earth man), therefore, acts in the name of Heaven (nature), and as the messengers of our gods. Armed with modern technology, Turen observes the phenomenon up in the sky and the patterns down on the earth, and follows the natural and social processes so


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