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Water conservancy achieved real-time transmission of hydrological forecast information(水文测报) in the mountainous regions improved the accuracy of the forecasts of disaster disaster relief 汶川地震救灾现场 减灾中心工作人员在玉树现场利用北斗用户机报告灾情 Providing nationwide real-time disaster relief command scheduling, emergency communications Quickly reporting and sharing disaster information Enhancing the rapid response capability and decision-making ability of disaster emergency rescue. Marine fishery 基于北斗系统的海洋渔业 综合信息服务网络 海洋渔业应用分布 Achieving Position Monitoring, emergency rescue, information dissemination and management of fishing boats in and out of the harbor to fisheries management departments transportation excellent examples: Satellite monitoring system of public transport in Xinjian“新疆公众交通卫星监控系统” Road infrastructure safety monitoring system、“公路基础设施安全监控系统” Port high-precision real-time positioning control and supervision system“港口高精度实时定位调度监控系统 meteorological developed a series of meteorological forecasting Compass terminal equipment, raised practical system application solutions solved the problem of the automatic transmission and visualization of digital packets of the National Weather Service and local meteorological center weather stations 基于北斗的高原地区气象监测站 基于北斗的珠峰气象监测站 forestry forest fire prevention system has been successfully used in combat, is now equipped with more than 700 sets. 项目 北斗卫星导航系统 GPS全球定位系统 覆盖范围 70°E一140°E, 5°N一55°N 全球 卫星数量 35 24 卫星轨道特性 5颗同步和30颗非同步轨道卫星 21+3非同步轨道卫星 定位方式/原理 有源/主动式双向测距二维导航 无源/被动式伪码单向测距三维导航 定位精度/m 几十米 6(P码),12(C/A码) 授时精度/ns 100 20 动态范围(km/h) = 100 不限 报文通信(/次) 120汉子 无 指挥调度 具有位置报告、调度功能


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