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文章之”道” ----医学论文的撰写;声明;科研文章的两种境界;发表论文的数量和质量;高质量的科研论文:清晰简洁, 但不容易; 缺乏时间 不熟悉医学论文特征和撰写方法, 无从下笔 过去痛苦的记忆和经验(文章被拒稿 被批驳 英语不好;文章被拒稿的主要因素;Strategy #1;研究完成之前就开始写: Sketch out the introduction at the time the investigation. Draft the methods while the research is being conducted. Finally, develop skeleton forms of numeric data early on.;Identify candidates during literature search Visit websites Aims Scope Editorial Board Instructions to authors Advice to contributors Resources for authors Review examples of their recent articles Choose 1 primary target and several secondary ;;按下面的顺序开始撰写: Figures and tables Methods, Results and Discussion Conclusions and Introduction Abstract and title;Hengl, T. and Gould, M., 2002. Rules of thumb for writing research articles ;聚焦高度”曝光”部分;15;16;17;Introduction Methods Results Discussion Conclusion;Introduction;简洁而完整;21;Result section 是用文字,tables, figures及statistics 来报告在 Method section描述的investigation的结果, 应按一样的顺序. 尽可能简要和清晰, 不要遗漏所谓的’negative results”. 典型的结构和顺序是: 描述研究的参与者 叙述针对重要问题(从primary outcomes开始, 然后是secondary outcomes, 及其它结果或分析) 的答案 报告临床获益及不良事件 说明任何未按先方案的研究或分析 要格外认真对待tables and figures里面的数据 文字的呈现如同叙述一个story Use confidence intervals rather than p values;23;CONSORT Statement (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials);25;26;27;Sultana et al. BMC Cancer 2009 9:66;29;30;31;“Further work is needed to solve this problem,” or “we plan on conducting future experiments,” or “we have already begun experiments to test our new theory.”;Finishing Strong;Getting Better;Golden rules for easier publishing;Take-Home Points;Thank YOU…


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