医英翻译3 diana.ppt

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医英翻译3 diana

Medical English Translation Chapter Three Chapter Three Features of Medical English 3.1 Medical terminology 3.2 More nominalization 3.3 More long and complicated sentences 3.4 Extensive usage of the passive voices 3.5 Lack of the change of tenses 3.6 Formula in structure of article 3.1 Medical terminology Formation of medical terminology prefix+ root+ suffix in Latin and Greek gastritis 胃炎(希腊语后缀 -itis= inflammation 炎症) gastrectomy 胃切除术(希腊语后缀 –ectomy= surgical excision 切除术) gastropathy 胃病(希腊语后缀 –pathy= disease 病) epigastric 上腹部的(希腊语前缀 epi-= on 在…上) 3.1 Medical terminology Amphibious words In such cases, heart murmur is often present. 这类病例常出现心脏杂音。 Lymph nodes are enlarged but are not tender. 淋巴结肿大,但无触痛。 Exercises: 翻译下列句子,注意两栖词汇的译法。 It’s a solution of salt and water. 这是一种盐和水的溶液。 2. Water can be resolved into oxygen and hydrogen. 水可以分解为氧和氢。 3. As more muscles are involved, rigidity becomes increased and generalized. 当累及更多肌肉时,强直加剧并发展为全身性。 4. Dressing should be inspected daily for evidence of bleeding. 应每天检查敷料看是否有出血的迹象。 5. The patient with hepatitis was discharged yesterday. 那位肝炎病人于昨日出院。 3.2 More nominalization Relapse following initial improvement is a common signal of this event. 病情开始好转后又接着复发,是这种情况的常见信号。 Some patients fail to develop hepatitis following exposure to hepatitis B virus. 有些病人在接触乙型肝炎病毒后并未发生肝炎。 3.2 More nominalization Although the production of transgenic strains of animals carrying foreign genes is now a relatively routine technique in many laboratories, it is unlikely that such methods will be extended to human embryos, both for moral and technical reasons. 3.2 More nominalization 尽管目前在许多实验室里,培养这种携带异体基因的动物转基因株是一种比较常规的技术,但由于伦理及技术方面的原因,这些方法不大可能扩展应用于人体胚胎上。 3.3 More long and complicated sentences Some bacteria produce bodies, called spores that are much more resistant to high temperatures, drying, and cold than the bacteria and serve to produce new organisms when material con


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