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(1)smile[smal] vi. 1 微笑 she smiled and said, “How are you getting on ?” 她微笑着说:“你近来过得好吗?” 2表示友好(或乐观等) (on, upon): to smile upon somebody 对某人表示友好 3 显得欢快 The sea sings, the sea smiles. 海在歌唱,海浪在欢笑。 n 1微笑 2.友好态度;赞许,青睐;恩惠 (2)architect?[ɑ:kitekt] n 设计师; 缔造者;建筑师 nature [neit??) n 1.自然 The most amazing thing about nature is its infinite variety. 大自然最让人惊叹的地方在于它的无限多样性 2.本质 Mr. Sharp would not comment on the nature of the issues being investigated. 夏普先生不愿就被调查问题的本质发表评论。 The rise of a major power is both economic and military in nature. 一个大国的崛起本质上既是经济上的,也是军事上的。 性格. Jeya feels that her ambitious nature made her unsuitable for an arranged marriage. 耶雅觉得她的雄心勃勃的个性使她不适合包办婚姻。 She trusted people. That was her nature. 她信任人,那是她的天性。 ?in the nature of things 事出必然 recycle?/ri??sa?k?l) V 1.回收利用; 循环使用 The objective would be to recycle 98 percent of domestic waste. 该目标是循环使用98%的生活垃圾。 2使…重复利用;回收;使再生: They recycle empty tins so as to use the metal. 他们回收空罐头盒以利用其金属。 Glass can be recycled from old bottles. 利用旧瓶子可以再生玻璃。 3.改建;改造(旧房屋)以作他用;整修: The old shop has been recycled as a hotel. 这座老商店已改建为旅馆。 4把…派新用场;把…移作他用: to recycle ones talents 把自己的才能移作他用 5.使再循环: to recycle water 使水再循环 promise?[pr?mis] n 1允诺 2指望;有成功希望的预示;美好的展望 V 1允诺;答应;约定;保证: They promised that the work would all be finished by next week. 他们保证到下星期完成全部工作。 2给人以…的指望;有…的可能;有…希望: These discussions promise future storm. 这些争论有可能引起今后的风波。 3.预示: The clouds promise rain. 阴云预示有雨。 4.[常用被动语态]把某人许配给…: She has been promised to Bill. 她已许配给比尔。 village(?v?l?d?/? n 1村庄 He lives quietly in the country in a village near Lahti. 他在乡下拉赫蒂附近的一个村庄里过着平静的生活。 Village head 村长 choose??[t?u:z] v 1.选择,挑选,选出: Choose your friends carefully. 选择朋友要慎重。 Who was chosen as chairman ? 谁当选为主席了? 2.意愿;选定;决定;认为合适: We chose to go by train. 我们决定乘火车去。 He chose to run for election. 他决定参加竞选。 3.愿意,喜欢: You may stay here if you choose. 如果你喜欢的话,你可以留在这里。 (7)select?[silekt] V 选择,挑选,选拔 Voters are selecting candidates for both U.S. Senate seats and for 52 congressional seats. 选民们正在选举美国参议院议席的候选人


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