南昌大学英语期末考试5个单元口语对话 全新版大学英语综合教程3.doc

南昌大学英语期末考试5个单元口语对话 全新版大学英语综合教程3.doc

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南昌大学英语期末考试5个单元口语对话 全新版大学英语综合教程3

1 Let抯 go somehere Simon: Like many people, I like to travel and there are many ways you can travel, uh, many forms of transportation. Probably the main three that I wanna talk about now are by car, by train and by airplane. Now each of these forms of transportation have there pros and cons. Would you agree? 西蒙:和许多人一样,我也喜欢旅游,旅游的方式其实有很多种,有很多种交通方式可以选择。我会谈其中三种主要的出行方式,分别是汽车、火车和飞机。每种交通方式都各有利弊。你同意吗? Friend: Indeed, I would.弗兰德:我当然同意。 Simon: So, whats your favorite form of transportation, of those three? 西蒙:这三种交通方式中你最喜欢哪一种? Friend: I would have to say the automobile.弗兰德:我会选择汽车。 Simon: Um, well, tell me some of the, the pros of traveling by car. 西蒙:嗯,跟我说说驾车旅行的优点。 Friend: That would be mainly freedom. Freedom of movement. Freedom of stop. Freedom to go. Freedom to, yeah, freedom basically. 弗兰德:主要的优点是自由。行动时自由,停下时也自由,可以自由地去各种地方。基本来说就是自由。 Simon: OK, uh, what about a train? What are the advantages of being of a train? 西蒙:好,那火车呢?乘坐火车旅行有什么优点? Friend: Ah, I would say, good views of the countryside. You can move around on a train. Youre not stuck in a car. You can go for a cigarette. You can get something to drink. You can go to the bathroom, which you cannot do in a car. 弗兰德:嗯,火车旅行可以欣赏优美的乡村风景。在火车上可以四处移动。不像在汽车里有限制。你可以去抽根烟,可以去喝酒,也可以去浴室,这些都是在汽车里不能做的事情。 Simon: OK, and lets talk about the airplane. Why, what are some of the advantages of flying? 西蒙:好,我们来谈谈飞机旅行吧。飞机旅行有什么优点? Friend: Speed.弗兰德:速度快。 Simon: Thats it?西蒙:就这样吗? Friend: Thats all I can say about that, speed.弗兰德:这就是我能说的,速度快。 Simon: OK, uh, lets talk about the disadvantages, the cons. So what, what are some things that a train has, that is not that great?西蒙:好,那我们谈谈缺点吧。火车旅行有什么不太好的地方? Friend: Theres nothing I can say bad about a train, except, yeah! Trains good. 弗兰德:我觉得火车旅行没什么缺点!火车很棒。 Simon: OK!西蒙:好吧! Friend: Price!弗兰德:价格! Simon: Yeah, price, in many countries train travel is expensive. Uh, we are traveling in Japan, so the train is very fast and efficient, however, it is expensive, and another thing is, youre confined by schedule a


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