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光电子学期末复习资料 绪论 光电子器件有哪些功能; Information generation, Information transfer, Information enhancement/amplification, Information manipulation, Information reception/detection, Information display 有用的光电子器件应该拥有的特性; High gain, Non-linear response, Input/output isolation, Tuability, High speed, Low power consumption, High power output, High temperature 电子器件和光电子器件的优缺点对比; Electronic devices: a. metallic inter-connects limit the inter-connectivity of the devices; b. difficult to transmit information over very long distances; c. external electromagnetic interference (EMI) effects; d. charged particles’ scattering process Optoelectronic devices: a. Immunity to electromagnetic b. Non-interference of two or more crossed beams c. High parallelism d. High speed-high bandwidth e. special function device f. wave nature of light for special devices g. Nonlinear materials h. Photonics-electronics coupling 光电子器件的应用范围; a. Optical communications: Cable TV, Longhaul communication, LAN communication b. Data communication: Equipment control, Local area network, Factory automation c. Defense applications: Laser guided systems, Radar d. Consumer electronics product: Compact disc, Laser printer, Night vision, thermal imaging, Video disc libraries 三个窗口波长; 850nm, 1310nm, 1550nm 光电子器件的发展趋势;WDM OEIC Trend: a. high response speed b. wavelength division multiplexing technology (WDM) c. function devices: optical fiber LD , optical fiber amplifier d. optoelectronic integrated technology (OEIC) 第一章 光电子器件的工作机理,基于光和电磁场的相互作用; Optoelectronic device depends on the interactions of photons or electromagnetic field with semiconductors. Interaction: photon --- semiconductor Electromagnetic Field --- semiconductor 光在半导体中的传播规律:按指数规律衰减; 折射率实部、虚部; The real part of index speed of light The imaginary of index attenuation of light 光的吸收和光的发射(画示意图); 受激辐射和自发辐射比较; The stimulated emission is due to the initial photons present in the system and the emitted photons maintain phase coherent with the initi


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