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* Compressor Engine Coupled Separables * Left Bank Right Bank INTEGRAL ENGINE-COMPRESSOR Flywheel 2L 1L 3L 4L 5L 1R 2R 3R 4R 5R * * 2.5” ERL Compression Pd=814.7 PSIA Ps=214.7 PSIA Area of piston in square inches times discharge pressure, minus area of piston, minus area of rod times suction pressure. 6” = 28.274 x 814.7 - (28.274 - 4.909) x 214.7 = 23,035 - (23.365 x 214.7) = 23.035 - 5016 = 18,019 # * 2.5” ERL Tension Pd=814.7 PSIA Ps=214.7 PSIA Area of piston in square inches, minus area of rod times discharge pressure, minus area of the piston times suction pressure. 6” = (28.274 - 4.909) x 814.7 - (28.274 x 214.7) = 23.365 x 814.7 - (28.274 x 214.7) = 19,035 - 6070 = 12,965 # * Data needed for Compressor Sizing Operating Conditions Gas properties Approximate HP per application Suction Pressure (PS) Discharge Pressure (Pd) Quantity of gas in MMCFD Conditions Assumed: Suction Temp (TS) = 80°F Ambient Temp (Ta) = 100°F Discharge Temp (Td) required approach = 20°F Altitude = 1500’ Atmospheric Pressure = 14psi Specific Gravity = 0.64 “N” value = 1.26 Sweet Gas * * 问题? 天然气压缩机 基础术语 * 压缩机基础术语 (Jargon) 压缩 = 压迫或压缩进入一个较小空间的动作。 压缩机基础术语 R/Rc = 压缩比 Ps/P1 = 吸气压力 Pd/P2 = 排气压力 Ts/T1 = 吸气温度 Td/T2 = 排气温度 Ta = 环境温度 Hp = 马力(功率单位) HE = 缸头端 CE = 曲柄端 VE = 容积效率 K = 特定天然气的比热比 * Terminology 术语 Ratio of Compression (RC) 压缩比 RC = 排气压力(Pd)psig + 14.7 = ??? psia 吸气压力(Ps)psig + 14.7 = ??? psia 注: 当计算压缩比时,必须要考虑海拔和大气压力。 * Terminology 术语 SA 单作用 = Single Acting - The act of compressing on one end of the compressor cylinder. DA 双作用 = Double Acting - The act of compressing on both ends of the compressor cylinder. * Terminology 术语 Clearance Volume= The volume remaining in the 余隙容积 compressor cylinder at the end of the discharge stroke. Normally expressed as a % of piston displacement. Displacement = Area of piston X length of stroke 排量 X # of strokes per minute. For DA compressors, the di


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