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26 From Washington, this is VOA News.Pakistani Taliban kill 141 in school siege... Russian ruble plunges....Im Ray Kouguell reporting from Washington. A deadly siege by Taliban militants at a school in Pakistan left at least 141 people dead, most of them children. Islamist militants wearing military uniforms and strapped with explosives attacked the military-run school facility in Peshawar. Military officials say 132 of the dead were students about 12 to 16 years old. Nine school staff members are believed to have been killed as well. A Pakistan Army spokesman in Peshawar says that security forces killed the seven attackers and cleared explosives from the school. The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for the massacre. Pakistans President Mamnoon Hussain and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif condemned the attacks. VOA新闻,华盛顿报道.巴基斯坦塔利班围攻一所学校,造成141人死亡.俄罗斯卢布暴跌. 我是雷. 酷格尔,华盛顿报道. 塔利班武装分子围攻巴基斯坦一所学校造成至少141人死亡,其中大多数是孩子.伊斯兰武装分子身着军服,腰系炸弹,袭击了白沙瓦的一所军办学校设施.军方官员称132名死者是12到16岁之间的学生.据说还有9名学校员工死亡.白沙瓦一名巴基斯坦军队发言人称安全部队打死7名袭击者并清除了学校里的炸弹.巴基斯坦塔利班组织声称对此残杀事件负责.巴基斯坦总统马姆努恩?侯赛因和总理纳瓦兹?谢里夫谴责了此次袭击. ’s day, recalling that the greatest generation since millions of americans into war, to make the world safer, freer and more just. A rath was laid at prohabar, with survivors recalling that Sunday morning attack. 25 ?Sunday marked the 73rd anniversary of the Japanese attack on the U.S. Navy base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. More than 24-hundred American sailors and others were killed in the surprise attack. 周日是日军偷袭美国夏威夷海军基地珍珠港73周年纪念日.2400多名美军士兵和其他人员在偷袭中丧生.President Barack Obama issued a proclamation declaring Sunday as National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, recalling that the Greatest Generation sent millions of Americans into war to make the world safer, freer, and more just. A wreath was laid at Pearl Harbor, with survivors recalling that Sunday morning attack. Im Ray Kouguell in Washington. Thats the latest world news from in Voice of America. 美国总统巴拉克`奥巴马发表一份公告宣布周日为全国珍珠港纪念日,并回忆称那是最伟大的一代,数百万美国人奔赴战场为了世界更


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