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? restoration / rebirth / renewal / renaissance / rejuvenation / revitalization / resurrection ? to eradicate / to eliminate / to quell / to stamp out / to curb / to check / to stem ? to detail / to assign / to post / to detach / to dispatch ? to expedite / to hasten / to accelerate / to step up ? moving / poignant / stirring ? dimension / branch / wing / aspect / area / department (volet) ? slot / niche / pigeonhole (créneau) ? to pare / to trim / to prune ? holistic / comprehensive / cross-cutting / across-the-board / interdisciplinary ? rump government / lame-duck government / transitional government ? celerity / speed / promptness / swiftness / dispatch ? staggering / mind-boggling / awesome / appalling ? to overhaul / to refurbish / to renovate / to streamline / to rehabilitate ? cutting edge / top-of-the-line / world-class ? panacea / cure-all / silver bullet /magic potion ? mournful / doleful / woeful / baneful ? seminal / germinal / fountainhead (pregnance) ? indulgent / obliging / deferential / lenient / solicitous / oversolicitous ? array / assortment / range / set / battery / miscellany / tier ? minutiae / details / particulars (pormenores) ? skein / net / tangle / web / morass / bog ? inextricable / insoluble / dead-end (sans issue) ? international / transnational / trans-boundary / cross-border ? breeding-ground / hotbed / nest / soil (foyer / caldo de cultura) ? trials / ordeals / tribulations / vicissitudes / labors / woes / ills (déboires) ? germane / relevant / pertinent / apposite / material ? horrors / sufferings / ordeals (affres) ? tyrant / dictator / strongman ? to deport / to expel / to extradite / to exile / to ban / to banish ? fledgling / nascent / emerging / incipient / infant / budding / embryonic / dawning / potential / in-the-making ? defensible / plausible / arguable / respectable / cogent / coherent ? well organized / well thought out / consistent / cogent (cohérent) ? logical / rational / natural (logique) ? hidebound / hard-core / u


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