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Ancient Egypt 2013级11班:何小玲 古埃及 Ancient Egypt is one of the four great ancient civilizations, is located in northeast Africa in the middle and lower reaches of the Nile river region, is a typical hydraulic empire, religious influence is great, the world famous pyramid is the ancient egyptians a worship of eternal ideas, is also a pharaohs tomb. 古埃及(阿拉伯文:??? ????????),四大文明古国之一,位于非洲东北部尼罗河中下游地区,是典型的水力帝国,受宗教影响极大,举世闻名的金字塔就是古埃及人对永恒观念的一种崇拜产物,也是法老的陵墓。 Its geographical position Its north is Mediterranean Sea , the east faces the red sea, south adjacent Nubian , west to Libya. 它北临地中海,东濒红海,南邻努比亚,西接利比亚。 the ancient Egyption 古埃及 Tall, black hair, low forehead, and dense eyelash, black eyes expressionless, straight nose, a wide face, broad shoulders, tan skin and strong body 从古代埃及留下来的大量雕刻和绘画可以看出,古代埃及人的特征是:高身材,黑头发,低额头,密睫毛,黑眼珠,直鼻子,宽脸型,阔肩膀,古铜色皮肤,体魄健壮 埃及神话中的九位主要神祗 1.拉 Ra(Re)(也称“瑞”) The Lord god, the sun god (主神,太阳神) 2.苏 Shu(也称“舒”、“休”) The god of the wind(风之神) 3.泰芙努特 Tefnut The rain god, the god of fertility(雨之神,生育之神) 4.盖布 Geb (Seb)(也称“格布”) The god of the earth(大地之神) The nine main deities in Egyptian mythology 5.努特 Nut The goddess of the sky (天空女神) 6.奥西里斯 Osiris The god of agriculture(农业之神) 7.伊西斯 Isis (Auset)(也称“阿丝特”) The god of life and health(生命与健康之神) 8.塞特 Seth The god of war(战争之神) 9.奈芙提斯 Nephthys Guardian of the goddess(守护死者的女神)


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