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Roman Mythology 1.Two parts Mythology about Gods and Goddesses The local mythology related to Gods Simple and plain Complex relationships between Gods Gods and human beings In the early age, they had original Gods as protectors of family and agriculture. Having no special appearances and stories. With the development of roman empire, the rulers arrange the orders of Gods. Three main Gods: Jupiter 朱庇特 Juno 朱诺 Minerva 密涅瓦 As Rome expanded their land and invaded other areas, some new Gods were adopted. Osiris 冥神奥赛里斯 Isis 伊西斯 God of light 光明之神 Greek mythology Greek mythology is a group of traditional tales told by the ancient Greeks about the deeds of gods and heroes and their relations with ordinary human beings. 12 Titans Cronus(克洛诺斯):天空之神 Rhea (瑞亚):时光女神 Oeannus (俄刻阿诺斯):水之神 Tethys(泰西斯):沧海女神 俄刻阿诺斯之妻 Lapetus (伊阿佩托斯):灵魂之神 Phoebe (福珀):月之女神 Coeus (科尔斯):智力之神 Themis (忒弥斯):秩序和正义女神 Mnenosyne (摩涅莫辛涅):记忆女神 Hyperion (许配利翁):光之神 Thea 许配利翁之妻 The Gods Zeus (宙斯):the god of the sky supreme God Hera (赫拉):the goddess of marriage and childbirth Poseidon (波塞冬):the god of sea Hades (哈迪斯):the god of death and wealth Hestia (赫斯提亚):the goddess of the hearth(灶台) Ares (阿瑞斯):the god of war Hermes (赫尔墨斯):the god of thieves and commerce Hephaestus (赫斯非托斯):the god of fire and forge(熔炉) Apollo (阿波罗):the god of light Artemis (阿尔忒弥斯):the goddess of chastity / virginity/ hunt/ the moon/ the natural environment Athena (雅典娜):the goddess of reason/ intelligent activity/ arts and literature Aphrodite (阿芙洛狄德):the goddess of love/ desire and beauty Comparison 宙斯 赫拉 波塞冬 阿芙洛狄德 阿瑞斯 雅典娜 阿尔忒弥斯 哈迪斯 阿波罗 朱庇特(Jupiter) 天空和天气 朱诺(Juno) 婚姻和家庭 涅普顿(Neptune) 海洋和风浪 维纳斯(Venus) 爱与美 玛尔斯(Mars) 战争与破坏 密涅瓦(Minerva) 智慧和胜利 狄安娜(Diana) 狩猎和月亮 普鲁托(Pluto) 死亡和冥界 赫利俄斯(Helius) 太阳和音乐 Others Movies 《


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