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China is now facing the worst particulate air pollution, the most urgent task is to … 源解析 i = 1,2,…, m species j = 1,2,…, n samples k = 1,2,…, p sources Sour Apportionment Beijing PM sources: Secondary Coal combustion Industrial Vehicular Road dust OUR LAB 颗粒物监测与化学分析平台 PQ200颗粒物采样器 APS3321 SMPS3936 TEOM1400a ED2000 X射线荧光光谱仪 OUR LAB 谢谢!请批评指正! 可吸入颗粒物与人体健康 Inhalable Particulate Matters and Human Health Quality of Air means Quality of Life 2008 Beijing Olympics … “中国正面临十分严峻的环境问题与挑战” 环境污染将成为制约我国社会与经济发展的重要瓶颈 2008 Beijing Olympics and Air Pollution Overview of Air Pollution in the World Ozone Particulate Matter (颗粒物) Carbon Monoxide Nitrogen Oxides Sulfur Dioxide Lead The most important is particulate matter (PM) Six criteria air pollutants Particles suspended in the air are small … PM0.1 (Ultrafine particle) PM2.5 (Fine particle) PM10 (Coarse particle) But, small particles pose a big problem ? 全球气候 Global climate ? 城市可见度 Urban visibility ? 人体健康 Human health What is PM? Carbon (EC+OC) In recent decades, there has been a tendency toward increased summer floods in south China, increased drought in north China. (also World EI Nino in the recent years) The black carbon aerosols absorbs sunlight it heats the air and reduces the amount of sunlight reaching the ground. The heated air makes the atmosphere more unstable, creating rising air (convection) which forms clouds and brings rainfall to regions that are heavily polluted. The increase of rising air in southern China is balanced by an increase of sinking air and drying in northern China. When air sinks, clouds and thus, rain, cannot form, creating dry conditions. 颗粒物对气候的影响 Particles, Clouds, Rain 颗粒物对城市可见度的影响 Increases in the amount of fine particles?in the atmosphere are associated with reductions in?visibility, and this is considered to be an indicator of overall air quality.? Particles and visibility Distributions of visibilities and annual numbers of haze-fo


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