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TRANSLATION EXERCISE viki 中国北京同仁堂集团公司进出口分公司 中国北京同仁堂集团公司进出口公司是中国北京同仁堂集团公司直属全民所有制企业,为自主经营、独立核算、自负盈亏的企业法人。“同仁堂”是北京最古老、声誉最高的一家堂号。 China Beijing Tong Ren Tang Holdings Corporation Import Export Company is a state owned enterprise directly under China Beijing Tong Ren Tang Holdings Corporation. It runs by its own and assumes independent accounting and sole responsibility for its profits and losses. ?它创建于公元1669年,至今已有三百多年的历史。其制药宗旨为:“炮炙虽繁必不敢省人工,品味虽贵必不敢减物力”,所制产品以“配方独特,选料上乘,工艺精湛,疗效显著”而驰名中外。“同仁堂”商标为国家驰名商标,已在马德里协定国家及其他四十多个国家和地区注册,受到特别保护. ? Established in 1669, Tong Ren Tang is the most long-standing and prestigious pharmaceutical factory in Beijing, with a history of over 300 years. It follows the principle of making the best medicines, irrespective of the cost of materials and time consumed. Tong Ren Tangs medicines are famous for unique prescriptions ,superior medicinal materials, excellent technology and successful curative effect in the world. The trademark Tong Ren Tang is well-known in the country. It is registered in the countries of Madrid Agreement and also in more than 40 other countries and regions. It is under strict protection. ? 中国北京同仁堂集团公司进出口分公司主要经营中国北京同仁堂集团公司所属企业自产产品及相关技术的出口业务,经营生产所需原辅材料、机械设备及技术的进口业务;开展对外合资经营、合作生产、“三来一补”业务;经贸部批准的其他商品的进出口业务。 The scope of business includes: Export of products and technologies from the enterprises under China Beijing Tong Ren Tang Holdings Corporation. ? Import of raw and processes materials, machinery equipments and technologies which are needed in production. ? Engaging in joint venture, cooperative production, compensation trade, processing with customer s materials, imported materials and assembling with customers parts. Import and export of other commodities approved by MOFTEC. 目前,经营各类药品三千余种,中药机械十余种。药品行销全国及四十多个国家和地区,出口额居全国同行之首。 Now the Company deals in over 3,000 kinds of Chinese medicines and 10 kinds of machinery for manufacturing Chinese medicines. The medicines sell well in China and in more than 40 countries and re


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