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* * 否定句的翻译方法 Both of the compounds are not acids. He does not like both of the plane figures. The value of co-operation cannot be overestimated. 一、注意否定部份的转换 I didn’t call because I wanted to see her. 我来访,并不是因为我想看她。 I didn’t call because I wanted to avoid her. 我没有来访,因为想要避开她。 If iron is kept in air-free distilled water, its rusting is not so fast. 如果铁放在无空气的蒸馏水中,它生锈得并不快。 二、含有not和no的否定句 He is not an engineer.. 他不是工程师。 He is no an engineer. 他决不是工程师。 He has not repaired more than five motors. 他至多修理了五台电动机。 He has repaired no more than five motors. 他仅仅修理了五台电动机。 The material is not more plastic than that one. 这种材料不如那种材料有塑性。 The material is no more plastic than that one. 这种材料同那种材料一样都没有塑性。 He has not repaired less than five motors. 他至少修理了五台电动机。 He has repaired no less than five motors. 他竟修理了五台电动机。 The material is not less plastic than that one. 这种材料的塑性不如那种材料差。 The material is no less plastic than that one. 这种材料同那种材料一样都有塑性。 三、部份否定 1. Not…all… 并非都… Not all of the atomic nuclei of an element are identical. 并非同种元素的所有原子核都是相同的。 2. All (both, every, each) … not All substances are not good conductors of electricity. 并不是所有的物质都是电的良导体。 Both of the compounds are not acids. 并非这两种混合物都是酸。 Both…not…并非两个…都… Every book is not educative. 不是每本书都有教育意义的。 3. … not … all (both) He does not like both of the plane figures. 这两个平面图形,他并不都喜欢。 not +often (always, some, many, quite, much) Friction is not always a disadvantage. In many instances it is highly important. 摩擦并不总是不利的。在许多情况下,它非常重要。 四、全部否定 none, neither, no, not, never, nothing, nobody, nowhere None of these substances are good conductors of electricity. 这些物质都不是电的良导体。 Neither of the compounds is acid. 这两种混合物都不是酸。 四、几乎否定 Barely, hardly, only, rarely, scarcely, seldom, little, few There is little fuel left in the tank. 油罐里几乎没有什么燃油。 五、双重否定 but, without, in the absence of, unless But for perseverance, one could not succeed. 没有坚持就不会成功。


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