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The Restoration and 18th Century 王朝复辟和18世纪的英国文学 (1660—1798) 1660: the return of the Stuarts ↓ 1798: Lyrical Ballads Anglo-Saxon Kings (808-1066 盎格鲁-撒克逊王) House Of Normandy (1066-1154 诺曼底王朝) House Of Plantagenet(1154-1399 金雀花/安茹王朝) House Of Lancaster(1399-1461 兰开斯特王朝) House Of York(1461-1485 约克王朝) House Of Tudor(1485-1603 都铎王朝) House Of Stuart (1603-1649 斯图亚特王朝) The Commonwealth And Protectorate(1649-1659共和政体时期) House Of Stuart Restored (1660-1714 斯图亚特王朝) House Of Hanover(1714-1917 汉诺威王朝) House Of Windsor(1917-温莎王朝) House of Stuart( 斯图亚特王朝) King James I(1603-25) House of Stuart( 斯图亚特王朝) House Of Hanover (1714-1917 汉诺威王朝) George I (1714-1727) George Ⅱ (1727-1760) George Ⅲ (1760-1820) George Ⅳ (1820-1830) William Ⅳ (1830-1837) Victoria (1837-1901,daughter of Edward, fourth son of George Ⅲ) Subdivision The Restoration (1660-1700) The 18th Century (The Neoclassical period ) The age of Pope The age of Johnson Sentimentalism The Neoclassical Period Age of Reason Age of Enlightenment 2. Historical Background Restoration in 1660 Glorious Revolution in 1688 British colonies in 18th century Restoration (王朝复辟) Restoration(1660-1700). The period that restored peace, monarchy, and the Stuarts to the throne after the Puritan Commonwealth. 3. The Enlightenment Movement 启蒙运动 intellectual liberation an advancement of the Renaissance an expression of the bourgeoisie against feudalism purpose : to enlighten people with the light of modern philosophical and artistic ideas; to celebrate reason or rationality, equality and science Definition: Enlightenment 启蒙主义 Enlightenment , a philosophical movement in the 17th and 18th centuries, particularly in France, characterized by the conviction that reason could achieve all knowledge, supplant organized religion, and ensure progress toward happiness and perfection. The English Enlighteners 英国启蒙主义者 The essay


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