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咖啡馆里的世界公民作者:欧·亨利译者:? 武汉理工大学 A Cosmopolite in a Cafe by O Henry ? ? At midnight the cafe was crowded. 午夜时分,咖啡馆挤满了人。 By some chance the little table at which I sat had escaped the eye of incomers, and two vacant chairs at it extended their arms with venal hospitality to the influx of patrons. 不知何故,我所坐的桌子不为人关注,还有两把空着的椅子张开双臂,以诱人的殷勤迎接着涌入的客流。 ? ? And then a cosmopolite sat in one of them, and I was glad, for I held a theory that since Adam no true citizen of the world has existed. 当时,有一位世界公民坐上了其中一把椅子,我很开心,因为我以前有这样一个观念,觉得自亚当以来就没有存在过什么真正的世界公民。 We hear of them, and we see foreign labels on much luggage, but we find travelers instead of cosmopolites. 我们听说过世界公民,还在许多行李上见过异国的标签,但我们只是碰到了旅行者,而非世界公民。 ? ? I invoke your consideration of the scene—the marble-topped tables, the range of leather-upholstered wall seats, the gay company, the ladies dressed in demi-state toilets, speaking in an exquisite visible chorus of taste, economy, opulence or art; the sedulous and largess-loving garcons, the music wisely catering to all with its raids upon the composers; the melange of talk and laughter—and, if you will, the Wurzburger in the tall glass cones that bend to your lips as a ripe cherry sways on its branch to the beak of a robber jay. 我想请你对下面这种场景加以思索——大理石面的桌子,几排倚墙而立的皮饰座椅,愉悦的同伴,身着半正式礼服的女士们正异口同声,高谈阔论着品味、经济、财富或艺术,服务周到且爱慕赏赐的侍者;乐曲很机智地满足着每个人的口味,却让作曲家们手忙脚乱,交谈声和欢笑声混为一片——如果你愿意,盛满维尔茨堡酒的锥形酒杯将在你的唇前鞠躬,如同那枝头熟透的樱桃摇摆到强盗般的松鸦口中一样。 I was told by a sculptor from Mauch Chunk that the scene was truly Parisian. 有一位来自英奇·丘恩克的雕塑家曾经告诉我,这种场景的确具有巴黎风格。 ? ? My cosmopolite was named E. Rushmore Coglan, and he will be heard from next summer atConey Island. 我身旁的这位世界公民名叫E. 拉什莫尔·科格兰,他明年夏季将从科尼岛来信。 He is to establish a new “attraction” there, he informed me, offering kingly diversion. 他告诉我,他打算在那里建造一个新的“娱乐胜地”,提供国王级别的娱乐享受。 And then his conversation rang along parallels of latitude and longitude. 接着,他的谈话就沿着经纬线的平行圈展开了。 He took the great, round world in his hand, so to speak, familiarly, contemptuously, and it se



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