哈工大英语词汇提高Chapter 15 A Narrow Escape.doc

哈工大英语词汇提高Chapter 15 A Narrow Escape.doc

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哈工大英语词汇提高Chapter 15 A Narrow Escape

Unit 3 Chapter 15 A Narrow Escape Key Words Chapter 15 elapse evasive fluent futile harass infer lethal obsession ordeal persistent Additional Words 15 collapse relapse evade invade pervade influenza affluent confer conference defer Teaching Procedures 1. Warm-up Activity (5 minutes) dictation: have a dictation on words in Chapter 5,7,8,9. 2. Students’involvement activities(15 minutes) The students do multiple choice and translation of sample sentences in turn around 10 words in Chapter 15 , at the same time teacher may help them to explain some new words or useful expressions. 3. Interactive Word Study in Context: (25 minutes) Aim: applying the theory of lexicology in class; give students very clear clues of certain words and their meanings; teach them how to learn English vocabulary and train them skills of how to memorize the new words. Teaching Steps: (1) perform the activities interactively based on guessing the meaning of the 10 words in context, try to make class lively; (2) apply the theory of lexicology to sense relations in the ten words, T may explain and enlarge something important. Skills of Vocabulary Learning: antonyms in context synonyms in context common sense (general knowledge) cultural information create word power on words from example sentence X collocation related forms word formation on roots and affixation phrases and expressions from example sentence synonym discrimination: 1. elapse: vi. (of time) to slip by or pass away▲: (时光流逝 A month had elapsed since our last meeting. Several hours lapsed before he woke up. [速记](e加强+lapse→滑出去→时光流出)(时光)流逝 [词根] laps=slip,表示滑滑走 collapse / k?l?ps / vi. 倒坍;崩溃(col共同+lapse→全部滑下+倒塌)[例句] 1. A section of the Bay Bridge had?collapsed. 海湾大桥有一段垮塌了。 2. The roof collapsed under the weight of snow. 房顶在雪的重压下突然坍塌下来。 3. His business empire?collapsed under a massive burden of debt. 他的商业帝国无力承担沉重的债务负担而垮掉了。 lapse vi. 堕落;犯错误 n. 失误,差错 lapsed a. 不再使用的;过时的(laps+ed→时间滑过去


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