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卤代碳量子点的合成 2.4 Fig. 3 Fluorescence spectra of Cl-CQDs, Br-CQDs and I-CQDs in ethanol, and EDA-CQDs-Cl, EDA-CQDs-Br and EDA-CQDs-I in water. Inset: images of Cl-CQDs (A) and EDA-CQDs-Cl(B) under UV lamp. 卤代碳量子点的合成 2.4 Fig. 5. Change of fluorescence intensity of I-CQDs along with dynamic viscosity of different solvents. Fig. 4 (A) Trend for fluorescence quenching (F0/Fs) for different cations. (B) Influence concentration of Fe3+ on fluorescence intensity of Cl-CQDs. 磷掺杂碳量子点的合成 2.5 磷掺杂碳量子点 磷掺杂碳量子点的合成 2.5 Fig. 1 The TEM images of as-prepared pristine CQDs (B), P-CQDs (A) and HRTEM image of P-CQDs. 磷掺杂碳量子点的合成 2.5 Fig. 2 Selected regions of XPS spectra of CQDs (A) and P-doped CQDs (B). The enlarged regions for P2p and O1s of P-doped CQDs (C and D). 磷掺杂碳量子点的合成 2.5 Fig. 3 Fluorescence spectra of CQDs and P-doped CQDs. P-CQDs-1 represents P-doped CQDs synthesized with the radio of 1:1 PBr3 and quinol and a hour’s reaction time; P-CQDs-2, P-CQDs-3, P-CQDs-4 and P-CQDs-5 represent P-doped CQDs obtained with the ratio of 2:1 PBr3 and quinol and different reaction times of 1, 3, 5 and 9 hours respectively. Inset: the fluorescence images of P-CQDs-3 (A) and CQDs (B). 磷掺杂碳量子点的合成 2.5 磷掺杂碳量子点的合成 2.5 Fig. 5 Laser scanning confocal microscopy images of human Hela cells labeled by P-doped CQDs. Images for A and B were captured in bright field and at excitation wavelength of 355 nm respectively. Fig. 4 Effect of P-doped CQDs on human Hela cells. 展望 3 * * * * 功能化碳纳米材料的制备及其可见荧光性能的研究 报 告 人:周进 指导教师:陈建荣 教 授 钱兆生 副教授 2013年5月17日 2010级硕士毕业答辩 目录 选题背景与意义 1 研究内容 2 展望 3 科研成果 4 致谢 5 选题背景与意义 1 图1 不同维数sp2杂化碳纳米结构的分子模型 研究内容 2 2.1 氮掺杂石墨烯纳米颗粒的制备及其荧光 2.3 氧化多壁碳纳米管光致发光机理的研究 2.2二胺修饰多壁碳纳米管的制备及其荧光 2.4 卤代碳量子点的合成及其荧光性质 2.5 磷掺杂碳量子点的合成及其荧光性质 氮掺杂纳米石墨烯纳米颗粒的荧光 2.1 氮掺杂纳米石墨烯的荧光 1 XXXX年 XXXX年 100 nm C 100 nm 20 nm A B 20 nm E 100 nm F 20 nm D Fig. 1 TEM images of P-NCNTs (A and B), S-NCNTs (C) and N-dope


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