哥特文化介绍 英文.ppt

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哥特文化介绍 英文

Emily 20111151212 Gothic(哥特文化) 1 Background 2 Gothic Architecture 3 Gothic Fashion 4 Gothic Literature 5 Gothic Rock 5 Typeface(字体) 6 Gothic Film Goths Goth subculture A East Germanic tribe appeared on lower Danube(多瑙河) frontier in the third century who repeatedly attacked the Roman Empire Their language and culture largely disappeared during the Middle Ages The?Goth subculture(哥特亚文化)?is a contemporary?subculture. It began in?England during the early 1980s in the?gothic rock?scene, an offshoot of the?post-punk?genre.? Gothic architecture Originated in 12th century France and lasted into the 16th century Flourished(繁荣)during the high and late medieval period. Characteristic features :pointed arch(尖形拱门 ), the ribbed vault (肋状拱顶 )and the flying buttress (飞扶壁 ) The Cathedral of Cologne Westminster Abbey Notre-Dame de Paris Duomo di Milano Gothic Fashion Character:pale skin、dark eye sockets(眼圈),aristocratic temperament(贵族气质), indifferent and heavy makeup Dressing:dark color like black,dark gray,blood red Decoration:religious and metal (like cross ) Do not support violence but tolerate it 苍白的皮肤。体现维多利亚时代关于“苍白的皮肤是贵族的标志 ?黑发、漂白过的极浅的金发、红发或紫发。 自我束缚的装饰和恋物癖的服饰 黑唇膏,?黑眼影?细眉。 literature (Gothic horror) Combines elements of both horror and romance Invented by the English author Horace Walpole (华尔普 )(The Castle of Otranto奥特朗托城堡 ) Features :terror,mystery, the supernatural, ghosts, haunted houses and Gothic architecture, castles, darkness, death, madness, secrets, and hereditary curses(永世诅咒)… Characters : magicians, vampires, werewolves, monsters ,dragons, angels, fallen angels, revenants(亡魂), ghosts, devil ,skeletons ,monks, nuns… Frankenstein (科学怪人)by Mary Shelley The Monk (僧侣 )by Lewis The Vampire Chronicles (吸血鬼纪事 )by Anne Rice Gothic rock A musical subgenre(分支) of post-punk and alternative rock that formed during the late 1970s, including darkwave(黑潮音乐),deathrock,industrial music,etc. Notable gothic rock bands : Bauhaus(包嚎司 ), Siouxsie and t


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