商务交际英语Chapter3-Writing With Style.ppt

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商务交际英语Chapter3-Writing With Style

English Communication For Colleges 商务交际英语(上) Chapter 3 Writing With Style 写作技巧 Writing With Style 3.1 Planning and Organizing Messages 设计与组织写作内容 3.2 Choosing Words 选词 3.3 Creating Vigorous Sentences 创造生动、鲜明、有力的句子 3.4 Building Strong Paragraphs 构建有力的篇章段落 3.5 Editing and Proofreading Messages 编辑与校对写作内容 3-1 Planning and Organizing Messages 设计与组织写作内容 Objectives Plan messages by first identifying the objective . Determine the main idea of messages Choose supporting information in messages . Adjust(调整,修正) messages for the receiver and write receiver-oriented 以接受者为中心 /导向的messages . Organize messages . Planning Messages *Four Steps for Planning Messages — Identify the objective —promote goodwill(建立良好关系/信誉), Inform(通知), request(提出要求), record(记录) persuade(劝说). Determine the main idea (central theme) Choose supporting information —explain, reinforce justify the main idea Adjust the message for the receiver —practice empathy Organizing Messages *Three Orders for Organizing Messages—组织信息的三种语序 Direct—favorable, positive neutral messages Indirect—unfavorable, negative persuasive Direct-Indirect—positive negative together P72 Figure3-3 Key Phrases Sentences Structures (P68, Pa.3 )Goodwill善意,友好 is the expression of good wishes , warm feelings ,and concern for the receiver . It contributes to对…有促进 the success of the company you work for and the stability of your job because it strengthens business relationships . 善意是对接受者表达良好的祝福与关切。由于善意加强商务联系,所以它有助于你任职公司的成功与你工作的稳定。 Key Phrases Sentences Structures (P69, Pa.3 )When you adjust the content of your messages, you will write considerate , receiver-oriented以顾客为中心的/体贴顾客的 messages . 当你调整信息时候,你会写出周到的,以顾客为中心的信息 3-2 Choosing Words 选词 Objectives Write courteous messages . Create a positive tone Choose bias-free language . Write communications that have appropriate words . Contents Courteous Words 礼貌用语 Positive words 积极语气, 正面语言 Proper titles恰当的称谓 ,


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