商务办公口语Unit 6 Business Presentation.doc

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商务办公口语Unit 6 Business Presentation

Unit 6 Business Presentation 商务报告 Dialogues 1 A: What we’ve got here is the sales trend for the last six months. 这就是最近六个月来的销售趋势。 B: Really, what does this chart mean? 是吗,这个图形是什么意思? A: Yes. As the bar chart shows apparently, sales have risen dramatically. 十点。这棒形图清楚地表明,营业额有显著的上升。 B: That sounds promising. 听起来前景不错。 Dialogues 2 A: How would you sum up the present situation then? 你怎样总结目前的情况? B: Well, we’ve certainly got a problem and it will get worse if we don’t act. 目前的确存在问题,如果我们不去解决,问题便会恶化。 A: What do you suggest? 你有什么建议? B: In a nutshell, we need to streamline our operations as soon as possible. 简而言之,我们必须尽快改进我们的运作。 Dialogues 3 A: What has the company’s performance been like over the last year? 去年公司的表现如何? B: We’ve suffered a great deal from the downturn in the market. 我们因市场不景气而大受打击。 A: Do you expect this to continue? 你预计这会持续下去吗? B: Maybe, but we’ve managed to stay profitable by reducing our overhead and streamlining our production process. 可能会,不过我们减低了经常开支也改善了生产过程,所以勉强有利润。 A: How long do you think we can remain profitable in a shrinking market? 在不断萎缩的市场内,我们继续赚取利润的局面能够维持到什么时候? B: It depends on how well we can market our products. We must increase sales to have any chance of surviving. 那要看我们推销产品的手法有多成功。我们一定要提高营业额,才有机会生存下去。 Dialogues 4 A: So, what are your company’s plans for the future? 那么,你们公司未来有什么计划? B: well, we’re keen to promote our range of financial services. 我们希望推广我们的各种金融服务。 A: Will the focus be on Shanghai? 会集中在上海发展吗? B: Our immediate aim is to secure a good share of the Shanghai market. 我们当前的目标是要在上海市场中占有可观的比率。 A: What would you call a “good share” ? 多少才算是“可观的比率” ? B: Although we’re a new company, we believe that we should be able to secure a 5% market share in the short term. 虽然我们是新公司,但相信在短期内应该可以争取到5%的市场份额。 A: What are your long-term plans? 你们有什么长远的计划? B: We see ourselves opening offices in Beijing and Guangzhou within the next five years. 我们预期会在未来的五年内在北京和广州开设分公司。 Vocabulary presentation


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