商务英语ppt Green barrier.ppt

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商务英语ppt Green barrier

Green barrier 赵秀丽 context The definition of Green barrier The cases of Green barrier:A B C D E The influence of Green barrier The policy of Green barrier video conclusion (1) The definition of Green barrier Green barriers are regulations and policies hindering or restricting trade between nations. These policies are in place in the name of protecting the environment, safeguarding natural resources, or promoting ecological sustainability. (2) the cases of Green barrier A. Many supermarket items have words like “green” and “eco-friendly” printed on them, but what does this mean? Customers often have no clue how these products are better for the environment. A new rule in the US aims to change all this. Starting from Oct 1, companies cannot just use broad terms such as “eco-friendly” to market their goods. They need to give details and proof (证据) as well, according to new Green Guides issued by the Federal Trade Commission, a US consumer protection agency. B 1999年6月初,我国出口到欧盟某国的一批机械产品,因 其木质包装材料不符合欧盟的检疫标准要求,欧盟单方面采取紧 急措施,致使我国70多亿美元的对欧出口贸易受阻。 C 欧盟竖绿色轮胎壁垒 中国企业唯迎难而上 欧美最先举起贸易大棒。9月26日,美国对中国轮胎“特保案”到期,中国轮胎企业还没松一口气,11月,欧盟轮胎标签法规将强制实行,不达标者无法进入欧盟市场销售。对此,不少中国轮胎企业及在华设厂的跨国轮胎公司表示,未来轮胎业将进入技术升级战,那些不具备研发能力的企业或将越来越被动。欧盟推出的绿色轮胎“革命”,虽然可能将全球绿色轮胎市场份额增长15%,但极可能让中国轮胎出口增长再次变“绿”。 D 最近,在美国,西欧主要国家以及日本之间,又展开了建立 汽车贸易壁垒的新较量,这标志着世界汽车三大市场之间的贸易 摩擦又将升级。 由于日本轿车在美国和欧洲市场上长期受到顾客的欢迎,日本轿车在美欧市场的份额是美欧企业在日本市场份额的几倍。欧 盟试图通过制订和实施新的汽车排放标准来限制日本汽车在欧洲 市场的增长。新的环境保护际推要求,到2008年。欧洲市场销售 的所有轿车的二氧化碳排放量要比1995年下降25%,这无疑是 冲着日本和韩国企业而来的。 2012 The market indext From the chart, we can see that the green barrier account for large ratio which also stand for its influence on the whole market. 2007 The import and export 2002 The import Influences Influence on the market scope of foreign trade Influence on the increasing rate on the foreign trade Influence on the efficiency of our export enterprises Influence on the bilateral and multilateral trade relations (4) The policy of Green barrier in china A Green


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