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Practical English Writing — for Working Purposes Part one: An Overview of Business Writing 商务写作概述 1. Criteria for Effective Business Writing 6 “C ”原则: Completeness(完整) Clarity(清楚) Concreteness(具体) Conciseness(简洁) Correctness(正确) Courtesy(礼貌) Consideration(体谅) 2. Tips for Modern Business Writing 商务信函的写作技巧 Identifying the writing purpose in the beginning 开门见山谈目的 常见信函开头 Letter of enquiry: We read about your advertisement in the local newspaper and would like to have more information about Mapleland Industrial Park. Letter of order: We would like to order the following goods: Letter of invitation: We are pleased to invite you to the launch of English Tomorrow, the exciting new program for business English learners. Letter of thanks: I am writing to thank you for the hospitality you extended on our visit to your company. Letter of complaint: I am writing to complain about your handling of the order No. B13 and say how disappointed we are with how this order has been dealt with. Letter of apology: Thank you for your letter dated 25 June. First of all, I would like to apologise for the unsatisfactory handling of your order. Letter of reply: Thank you for your enquiry of 23 May, in which you expressed an interest in our Grace silk blouses. Basing your opinion on facts基于事实论观点 Examples “The customers here have always been satisfied with your products. However, some European manufactures have recently launched new models which are catching on very fast. Therefore we wonder whether you can improve your present designs.” Using small paragraphs 分段 Poor paragraghing: Dear Mr. Miller, I’ve just received your fax and after searching for different possibilities, this is what I can offer you: 10% discount on the total prize if you book our offices for 18 months, could it be interesting for you? You asked us for 4 offices in Riverside Tower and we only have 4 left but placed in different floors and there are no parking spaces left. Would you mind if I s


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