商务英语听力 U12.ppt

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商务英语听力 U12

Part I Tapescript: Section A Part I Tapescript: Section B Part I Tapescript: Section C Part Ⅲ Tapescript: Additional Listening Company Logo L o g o L o g o 世纪商务英语听说教程 Ⅲ Unit 12 Success Stories Learning Outcomes Be familiar with important tips for success . 2. Talk about how to be successful. Contents 1 2 3 4 Part I Active Listening Part II Fun Break Part Ⅲ Additional Listening Part IV Oral Practice Part I Active Listening Section A WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS McDonald’s empire n. 帝国 associate v. 使发生联系;使联合 franchisee n. 总经销商;有代销权的人或团体 chain n. 连锁店 franchising agent 经销代理商 San Bernardino 圣伯那迪诺(美国加州) Exercise 1 Directions: Business Today is a radio program. Today they’re talking about McDonald’s restaurants. Listen. What happened in each of these years? Write the missing information. 1940 McDonald brothers 1954 Ray Kroc: restaurants 1959 restaurants 1960 restaurants Restaurants worldwide countries customers daily first hamburger stand 12 100 200 _________________ ___ _____ ____ McDonald’s now 18,000 90 25 million _______ _______ ________ Exercise 2 Directions: Listen again and give brief answers to the following questions. 1. Who is Jane Taylor? 2. What is McBusiness about? 3. Where did The McDonald brothers, Mac and Dick open their first hamburger stand? 4. Why was it hard for the two brothers to expand their chain? 5. When did Ray Kroc become the franchising agent? Author of McBusiness. The history of McDonald’s. In (San Bernardino,) California. Because they didn’t like to fly. In 1954. __________________ ______________________ _________________________ _______________________ ______ Tapescript Part I Active Listening Section B WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS jot v. 略记;摘要记载下来 trivial a. 琐碎的;价值不高的 pursuit n. 追击;追求 time-conscious a. 有时间意识的 head for 出发, 动身, 前往 Everyday Tools for Extraordinary Success Exercise 1 Directions: Listen to the dialogue and d


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