商务谈判实训The negotiation of Hotel selling第六组A方.ppt

商务谈判实训The negotiation of Hotel selling第六组A方.ppt

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商务谈判实训The negotiation of Hotel selling第六组A方

HOTEL SELLING our party: Emutral Hostel provided service particularly to young people aged from 18 to 25, who needed kind help during their study. However the location of the hotel was not suitable for the purpose because it was in an industrial city close to transportation center. Therefore, the hotel was considering leaving the city and moving to a quiet community. Now the problem was that moving was basically impossible financially Background information Opposite party: Wilson’s company is a building contractor, which is looking for a suitable location for an office building in the central area of the city. the company has high credit.we Heard from private source that Emutral had the intention of moving away from the city. The present location of the hotel was ideal for our purpose. Team members Chief negotiator:李素珍 Members: 胡 琴 刘 静 李啟娟 Goals: Desirable target :$475,000 Acceptable target :$275,000~$475,000 Bottom target :$220,000 SWOT Analysis Our party S:Located in an industrial city close to transportation center; We also can stay here and go on working. W: The location now isn’t fit for our hotel’s management. Moving charges cost too much. O:Tow other companies are interested in the place of the hotel. T: The hotel is worth only $125,000 ; Opposite party: S: high credit and reputation; we have the financial problem if we remove for farther development. W:we dont plan to sell it publicly O:the hotel is worth of $125,000 T:Two other companies are interested in the place of the hotel. Negotiation strategy: 1.Resonant strategy: Turning to bilateral cooperation through the formation of emotional resonance, establishing a harmonious atmosphere of the negotiations. 2.Seeking easy escape routes: negotiator may think about putting this issue aside for the moment and discuss other issues. 3. Grasp concessions principles: clear our core int


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