商铺租赁合同范本(中英文)SHOP RENT CONTRACT.doc

商铺租赁合同范本(中英文)SHOP RENT CONTRACT.doc

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商 铺 租 赁 合 同 THE SHOP RENT CONTRACT Between _____________and _____________ 出租方 (以下简称甲方) :身份证号:Owner(Part A):________________ID Card NO. _____________________ 承租方 (以下简称乙方) 身份证号:Renter(Part B):________________ID Card NO. _____________________ 根据《中华人民共和国同法》及有关规定,为明确双方的权利和义务关系,甲乙双方在平等自愿的原则下经过充分协商,订立本租赁合同。Based on “CONTRACT LAW OF PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC CHINA”, to clear the rights and obligations of both parties, under the principle of equality, voluntariness and been fully negotiated, created the rent contract. 租赁内容甲方将其商铺租赁给乙方作商业经营用途。甲方对所出租的商铺具有合法产权并出示房产证(或具有出租权的有效证明)、身份证明等文件;乙方也应提供身份证明文件。双方可复印对方文件备存。所有复印件仅供本次租赁使用,不得挪作它用 The shop is the legal property owned by Part A, and showed the property ownership certificate (or other certificate can prove the Part A have the rights to rent the shop legally), identifications and other documents which needed for law; Party B should also provide identification. The two parties can copy each other documents for keeping. All copies can use for the rent affairs only, and can not be used for any other purpose. 1.2 租赁面积:甲方租赁给乙方的商铺建筑面积为平方米,使用面积为平方米。甲方将该商铺交付乙方使用时,商铺结构及配套设为:。承租期内乙方在不改变和影响房屋整体结构的前提下,可进行装修装饰;期满不续租,其装修材料由乙方自行处理,若拆除,其费用由乙方自理。supporting equipments was: SIMPLE DECORATION. During the rent time, Part B have the rights to decorate the shop and redistrict the space but can not change and influrence the building structure; When the contract be expired and do not renew, Part B have all rights to handle the decorations, if dismantle the decorations, Part B pay all the cost. 第二租赁期限甲乙双方商定,租赁期限自年月日起至年月日止,共个月。majeure due to the influence of the contract to be terminated, either parties can not destroy the integrity and continuity of the contract. 2.2 装修免租期:甲方承诺自交付商铺给乙方的第一个月给乙方做装修,免其租金。即自2013年06月01日起2013年07月01日止。租金从次月开始收取。 2.2 RENTAL-FREE PERIOD: Part A promised to make the first month to be RENTAL-FREE PERIOD after the shop be able to use for Part B. The period be: 1st June 2013 to 1st July 2013. The rental charge start at next month. 2.3 续租:


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