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Company Logo LOGO 喷粉全检培训课程 Painting EOL Inspection Curricula www.YS-U.com 目录 Content 本培训课程包括两个方面的内容: The content of training including: 客户的外观标准 Customer cosmetic standard 喷油常见缺陷的识别 Identify major defect of painting 外观标准--全检的定义 Define of EOL inspection EOL检验 - 100% 检验:是指在产品组装完成后包装之前对产品进行100%的检验。此操作根据EOL检验指导书的要求,在生产的最后一道工序执行。 End-of-line (EOL) Inspection - An operator inspection that is a 100% inspection of product in assembly, performed before the cover is attached. This EOL inspection is done at the last work station and in accordance with written EOL inspection instruction. 外观标准--喷粉外观标准 The standard of Painting cosmetic 在进行EOL检查之前,我们必须熟悉客户的外观标准。客户的外观标准是任何检查和所有判定的先决条件和基础。 We have to familiar with the corresponded customer cosmetic standard before performing EOL inspection. All inspection or judgment is based on the customer cosmetic standard. 因此,作为一个全检员,必须非常清楚客户的外观标准。 So, the qualified EOL inspector should know clearly about customer cosmetic standard. 不同的客户有不同的外观要求,标准也不尽一致。在进行检查时,我们要根据不同客户的不同要求,检验规范来对产品做出判定。 Different customer has their own cosmetic requirement, and the standard is different. We need to inspect and judge according to the customer cosmetic standard. 外观标准--DELL阶面的定义 Define of Classes for product 一般而言,客户对一个产品定义为四个阶面: In generally, customer define 4 classes for a product. CLASS1(阶1):经常能看到的面;如电脑的前面和上部. CLASS2(阶2):偶尔会看到的面;如侧面. CLASS3(阶3):一般在客户维护时才能够看到的面;如后面和底部. CLASS4(阶4):通常不会看到的地方;即:阶1、阶2和阶3以外的所有面都归为阶4. Class 1 Surface: Visible on a constant, daily basis. This includes, but is not limited to, the top and front of a computer or the CRT of a monitor. Class 2 Surface: Visible occasionally, as the sides of a unit. Class 3 Surface: Visible during normal customer maintenance, such as the back and bottom of unit. Class 4 Surface: Not normally vis


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