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集体备课 ( 英语)学科 第( 4 )册 第( 4 )单元 课题:Drawing in the park 教材单元分析 本单元的主要内容是用I can see…的句型描述公园里的事物。教师可以利用图片、幻灯片、电脑课件或是电影片断,引导学生在观察中理解所学语言。教师也可以在学完本单元之后,将学生带入实景中,看一看,说一说,以增加语言学习的真实性及趣味性。 课题或教学 内容 Unit4 Drawing in the park Period 1 Story time 教学目标 1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语:Good idea!Sure, it’s easy. It’s difficult, but I can try. 3. 能用以下句型…来…? 询问交流会做的事。 4. 能理解课文内容. 能够并表演。1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语:Good idea!Sure, it’s easy. It’s difficult, but I can try. 3. 能理解课文内容Ppt 教学课时 1课时 教 学 过 程 教学设计 自我修复 Step 1. Warming up Free talk 1. T: Today, we will begin Unit 4. In this unit, we will go to some interesting places. Look! Here they are. (出示Park, Theatre, Amusement park, Zoo四个场景图) Which one we will go first? Let’s listen to a song. 2. Enjoy the song: It’s a beautiful day in the park. 3. T: Which one we will go first? Teach: park T: What parks in Nanjing do you know? S: Xuanwu Lake Park, Bailuzhou Park, Baima park, … Step 2. Presentation 1. Talk about the things in the park. T: We know so many parks. I will draw a picture of it. 边画边问:What can you see in the park? S1: I can see a … T: Yes, it a tall tree. 依次教授词语:tree, flower, boat, river,注意每个词语教授时和学生拓展交流:What colour are the flowers? I can row a boat, can you? … Can I draw … well? Yes, it’s easy for me. May it’s difficult for me, but I can try. 2. Chant T: Is it a nice park? Let’s chant about it. Listen to me, first. (节奏声) Chant: In the park, I can see. See some trees, over there. In the park, I can see. See some flowers, under the tree. S: Chant together. 3. Change some words and try to make a new chant. 4. T: What can you do in the park? I can row a boat. S: I can fly kites/ play football/ride bike/ … Step.3. Enjoy the story: 1. T: Good, Mike and Tim are in the park now. What do they do? Let’s have a look! (出示图1) T: 出图局部,让学生猜测。 S: They are drawing pictures in the park. Teach: draw, picture (揭题’s watch the story and choose. Check 3. Read and judge. T: Yes, Tim can draw a tre


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