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Lesson1 THE PRACTICE AND THORY OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE The Practice of Landscape Architecture Over the years and especially since World War Ⅱ, the realm of landscape architecture has diversified and classified its activities in response to the needs of a changing world. There now appear to be four clearly definable and related types of practice. First, there is landscape evaluation and planning. It is concerned with the systematic study of large areas of land and a strong ecological and natural science base in addition to a concern for visual quality. In addition to the landscape architect, the process usually involves a team of specialists such as soil scientists, geologists, and economists. The result is a land use plan or policy recommending the distribution and type of development, for example, housing, industry, agriculture, highway alignment, and recreation within a framework of resource and amenity conservation. In other cases, the planning function may be less comprehensive and focus on the impact on the environment of single major proposals. The identification of land suitable for one major use, such as recreation, is another function of landscape evaluation and planning. The second activity of landscape architects is site planning. This represents the more conventional kind of landscape architecture and within this realm lies landscape design. Site planning is the process in which the characteristics of the site and the requirements of the program for its use are brought together in creative synthesis. Elements and facilities are located on the land in functional and aesthetic relationships and in a manner fully responsive to program, site, and regional context. Third, there is detailed landscape design. This is the process through which specific quality is given to the diagrammatic spaces and areas of the site plan. It involves the selection of components, materials and plants and their combination in three dimensions as solutions to limited and we


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