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TEST YOURSELF Ⅰ. 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) A A long time ago, there was a farmer who had ten donkeys. One evening, after a long day of hard work, the farmer returned home with the donkeys and began to tie them to the stakes (桩). When he finished nine donkeys, he found that the tenth rope was gone. What now? He could not let the last donkey run around all night. It would surely run away. Suddenly, he saw that, under a tree, there was a monk (和尚). The farmer ran to the monk and asked for advice. The monk said, “The only thing you have to do to the tenth donkey is to make the movements (动作) you would have made with a rope in your hands. Pretend (假装) to tie the donkey. That’s all.” The farmer returned to the tenth donkey, pretended to fasten (拴紧) a rope around its neck and then to tie the rope to a stake. He then entered his little house, half trusting the monk’s advice, half worried that his donkey would run away in the middle of the night. When he went outside very early the next morning, all the donkeys were still standing nicely next to their stakes, even the tenth one. The farmer untied the donkeys and wanted to take them to the field. But to his surprise, donkey number ten refused to move an inch. The farmer pulled and shouted, but the animal just didn’t move. Suddenly, the farmer thought of what he had done to the donkey the night before. With a great “ah ha”, he returned to donkey number ten, and just after a simple movement the donkey happily walked with him to the field. 1. What was the farmer’s problem when he tied the donkeys? A. He had left a rope in the field. B. The tenth stake was gone. C. The tenth donkey ran away. D. He needed one more rope. 2. Following the monk’s advice, what did the farmer do? A. He went to sleep straight. B. He pretended to tie the tenth donkey. C. He watched the tenth donkey all night. D. He tied the tenth donkey to the ninth stake. 3. The next morning, the farmer found that________. A. the donkeys went to the f


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