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国画的英文很简单哈,就是painting.先来说说国画都画点啥Portraiture (肖像)The subject is a person. This is the earliest type of painting in China.Bird-and-flower compositions??(花鸟画)Flowers,glass, bamboo, stones, birds, animals, fish and insects are the main themes.Landscape??(山水画)Nature is the subject. It became another theme for painting during the Tang Dynasty. This form of painting developed most rapidly.下面说一下国画的画法, 就两种:工笔(fine brushwork)和写意(write ideas)The techniques in Chinese painting may be classified into the following schools of styles:?gongbiand?xieyi, or a combination of both.Gongbi?paintingThe brushstrokes are neat and attention is given to details.Xieyi?paintingThe brushstrokes are less well-defined. Emphasis is placed on the overall expression and the painting is subject to the whom of the individual painter.接下来是颜色(coulour)In Chinese paintings, the ink is the dominant feature while colours are peripheral. Chinese painters classify the black ink into five colours: concentrated, thick, heavy, thin and light. Black is considered a colour and more colours can be represented by varying the intensity.然后说说国画上的空白,大家都知道哈,国画上多少都有空白的地方,不像西方的油画,满满的厚厚实实的画完整张纸。White spaceWhite spaces are often seen in Chinese painting. They are considered a part of the painting. They add life to the painting and give room for imagination.还要提一下国画的装裱,西方的油画要么是放到画框里面,要么就下面一块板。国画一般都是装裱过的。Picture mountingChinese painting are also mounted to add brilliance to them. A painting is not considered to have been completed until it is mounted, a requirement unique to Chinese paintings.最后要说的是画的附属部分(原谅我啊,我真的不知道这个中文是什么),就是大家都知道国画上会有印章,题字,题诗什么的。油画一般人家也就签一名,要不就是画个属于自己的记号什么的。A blending of componentsA Chinese painting is a marriage of poetry, calligraphy, seal and image. National artists often indicate the theme of the painting, the artists name and the date of the painting. Sometimes, a poem or a prose extract is written next to the painting. These verses and lines complement and enrich the meaning behind the painting. Seals are


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