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Abu Nidal and Yasser Arafat were comrades-in-arms(战友) in the struggle for Palestine. But as George Habssh, Walid Jabril and others broke from Arafat, he also join in Black June. In the end, Abu Nidal and his organization become a mercenary(雇佣兵) group. * The origin of Abu Nidal is militant(好战的) Iraqi rejectionism, an attitude that emerged in 1969. A middle Eastern political term meaning unilateral refusal of any peaceful settlement with Israel. Rejectionists rule out any settlement that acknowledges Israel’s right to exist This stance(立场) was the original basis of the Abu Nidal group. The Original basis of Abu Nidal group Abu Nidal raised and trained his groups in order to try to gain control of the PLO. Abu Nidal was particularly ruthless and make no distinction among targets or the types of people in and around targets. Abu Nidal’ s terrorists became noted for the harsh brutality of their murderous attacks. The World was a Battleground for Abu Nidal Abu Nidal Two Target: 1、Eliminate Zionism(犹太复国主义). 2、Destroy the reactionary regimes(反动政体) in Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon. Abu Nidal first broke into the world of terrorism: In the mid-1970s, his group hijacked a British airplane en route from Dubai to Tunis. The Development of Abu Nidal Group: 1974, Abu Nidal goes to Baghdad. 1975, Infrastructure(基础设施) created in Iraq; assassinations begin. 1982, Bases established in Lebanon(黎巴嫩);after Arafat is forced from Beirut, he takes over Palestinian bases in Bekaa Valley. * 1983, Gradually moves to Syria(叙利亚)。 1984, Begins secret meetings with Khadaffy. 1985, Moves some bases to Libya; Rome and Vienna airport massacres(残杀)。 1987, After evicted(驱逐) from Syria, concentrates forces in Libya; spend time in Poland. * 1989, Some leaders revolt(反叛); a trusted lieutenant forms the War Emergency Leader. 1991, Allies with Saddam Hussein. 1992, Assassinates; purges(净化) his group; bases camps in Libya; Iraqi connections reestablished. 1992-1996, Murders in Lebanon. 1995, Attempte


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