国际市场营销英文II Social and Cultural Environments.ppt

国际市场营销英文II Social and Cultural Environments.ppt

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国际市场营销英文II Social and Cultural Environments

第二章 国际市场营销环境 International Marketing Environment International marketing process 1.Appraising the international marketing environment 2. Deciding whether to go abroad 3. Deciding which market to enter 4. Deciding how to enter the market 5. Deciding on the marketing mix 6. Deciding on the marketing control and management The main contents are as following: Social and Cultural Environments Task of International Marketers Study and understand the country cultures in which they will be doing business Incorporate this understanding into the marketing planning process “People are different around the world. Their needs, however, are the same. How they satisfy their needs is different, and this is what we mean by CULTURE.” - Dr. John Condon What is culture? Discuss What is Culture? “Culture is the collective programming of the mind that distinguishes the members of one category of people from those of another Geert Hofstede 《Culture’s Consequences》 If the mind is the hardware, culture is the software. What is Culture? Culture is defined as ways of living transmitted from one generation to another through social institutions. Culture is divided into material and nonmaterial culture. Culture’s Pervasive Impact the importance of culture to an international marketer Definitions Elements of Culture Theory Elements of Culture(P26) Level of Education ? Language Religion Customs Values and Attitude Level of Education Literacy rate Enrolment rates Example Language Language Communication, Negotiation (Contract) ,Introduction (product), Promotion Trade name, Trademark , Packing, Introduction Example:Body Language 1.Send a greeting 2. Try to catch a waiters eye Religion Consuming behavior Holiday Market segment SEIKO(日本精工) Muslim ? Mecca Islam’s most sacred shrine Customs Eating habit Evaluation


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