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;International Business Law (2 Credits) Purpose: This course aims to give students from many cultures and traditions a good look at the overall structure of the global “legal environment” in which business operates today. The focus will be on global legal issues concerning state responsibility and environmental regulation, dispute settlement, trade in Goods, services and labour, intellectual property, sales, and transportation, which shows both the diversity and similarity of business and of the law. 本课程从多种文化、传统入手,培养学生审视当今企业经营所处的全球“法律环境”的整体结构,重点放在全球性法律问题,涉及国家责任和环境规制、争端解决、货物贸易、服务与劳务、知识产权、销售、运输等业务,揭示商务和法律的多样性与相似性。 ;Theoretical Study Introduction to International and Comparative Law 国际法与比较法入门 State Responsibility and Environmental Regulation 国家责任和环境规制 Dispute Settlement 争端解决 Trade in Goods 货物贸易 Services and Labour 服务与劳务 Intellectual Property 知识产权 Sales 销售 Transportation 运输;Case Study: 1. Commission of the European Communities v. Federal Republic of Germany 欧共体委员会诉联邦德国案 2. China’s refusal to accept the doctrine of restrictive sovereign immunity 中国拒绝接受国家主权有限豁免原则案 3. Southern Bluefin Tuna Cases: Provisional Measures 南方蓝鳍金枪鱼案:临时措施 4. Japan---Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages 日本—酒精饮料税收案 5. United States---Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products 美国—虾及虾产品进口限制案;Case Study: 6. European Communities---Regime for the Importation, Sale and Distribution of Bananas 欧共体—香蕉进口、销售、分销制度案 7. L’Oreal v. eBay 欧莱雅诉eBay案 8. The Natural Gas Case天然气案 9. Great China Metal Industries Co. Ltd. V. Malaysian International Shipping Corp. 中国金属工业有限公司诉马来西亚国际航运公司案 ;1-1;1-2;1-3;what is international business law?;What is international law? International law deals with 3 kinds of international relationships: ——those between states and states, ——those between states and persons, ——those between persons and persons. Traditionally, international law was all about the relationships between states. That is, the law of n


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