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$ $ $ $ Evasion of Law Presented by 蔡卉雯 李沁泉 梁端蕾 陈文慧 Evasion of Law Four Parts 1)The concept 2)The conditions 3) Different countries attitudes 4) Chinas attitude 5)Nature of Evasion of Law Concept Evasion of law(fraudulent evasion of law),refers to : 1. A situation where a party to a foreign-related civil legal relationship tries to evade the application of a certain country’s internal law which should be the proper law; 2. The proper law is unfavorable to him; 3.The party trys to change the point of contact (connecting factor) of the conflict rule so as to lead to the application of another country’s internal law that is favorable to him. 法律规避,又称法律欺诈等,是指涉外民事关系的当事人为了利用某一冲突规范,故意制造出一种连接点,以避开本应适用的准据法,并使得对自己有利的法律得以适用的一种逃法或者脱法行为; * Case Bauffremont Divorce Wife of Bauffremont 原比利时人,嫁给鲍福莱蒙取得法国国籍 Remarriage declared null 法国当时不允许离婚只允许分局, 为达到离婚目的,化为德国人 obtained citizenship in Germany 王妃取得德国国籍目的显然是为了 逃避禁止离婚规定 Case Kaufman v. Gerson (1904), C.A P gave a sum of money to D’ s husband D’s husband misappropriated it Misappropriate is criminal in France P threatened prosecution, D paid some of the sums. D stopped paying the balance when he domiciled in England, P sued D in England the plaintiff could not sue on the agreement since it had been entered into under duress and moral coercion The party has the intention or purpose to evade a country’s internal law; The law the party intends to evade must be the applicable substantive law established by applying a country’s conflict rule 3. The evasion of law is realized by changing connecting factor in the country’s conflict rule. The evasion is already a fait accompli(既成事实). But whether the evasion is successful would depend on the attitudes and practices of the countries concerned. Essential conditions for evasion of law * divorce No divorce Get divorced remarried French law German law Bauffremont Divorce Case Change nationality Attitudes and Practices of Other Countries “freedom in the choice of law”,


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